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词汇 draft
noun uk/drɑːft/ us/dræft/
B2 [ C ]草案草稿草图
a piece of text, a formal suggestion, or a drawing in its original state, often containing the main ideas and intentions but not the developed form
This is only a rough draft - the finished article will have pictures too. 这只是一个粗略的草稿——定稿后的文章中还会有一些图片。
She asked me to check the (first) draft of her proposal. 她请我检查一下她的(第一稿)提案草稿。
  • I've knocked out a first draft of the report which we can amend at a later date.
  • We decided to abandon the first draft of the report and start over.
  • The first draft of his novel needed a substantial amount of rewriting.
  • We submitted a rough draft of the changes we proposed to make and waited for the council's approval.
  • He pointed out that the latest chapter was only a draft and not the final version.
the draft[ S ] mainly US (UK conscription) 兵役制
the system of ordering people by law to join the armed forces
He avoided the draft because of a foot injury. 他因脚伤而躲过了服兵役。
[ S ](美国职业球队在赛季之初选拔新队员的)选秀制度
the system by which sports teams in the US choose new young players at the beginning of each season
the NBA draft NBA选秀制
He was a second-round draft pick by the Raiders. 他在选秀的第二轮被奥克兰袭击者队选中。
[ C ](尤指向银行支付的)汇票
a written order for money to be paid by a bank, especially to another bank
I arranged for some money to be sent from London to L.A. by banker's draft. 我安排以银行汇票的方式把一些钱从伦敦寄到洛杉矶。
[ C ] US (UK draught)冷空气
a current of unpleasantly cold air blowing through a room
[ C ] sailing US specialized (UK draught)吃水深度
the depth of water needed for a boat to be able to float
[ U ] US (UK draught)(饮品等)桶装,散装
a system of storing and serving drinks from large containers, especially barrels
Is the lager on draft or is it bottled? 这种拉格啤酒是散装的还是瓶装的?
adjective [ before noun ] US (UK draught) uk/drɑːft/ us/dræft/
(of drinks such as beer) stored in and served from large containers, especially barrels
draft beer/lager/cider 散装啤酒/拉格啤酒/苹果酒
(of animals) used for pulling heavy loads, vehicles, etc.
a draft horse 役用马
verb uk/drɑːft/ us/dræft/
C1 起草(文件、计划等)
to write the first version of a document such as a letter, essay, or law, which may have details added, changed, or corrected later
Draft a proposal for the project and we can discuss it at the meeting. 先起草一个项目草案,我们可以在会上就此讨论。
She helped me draft a letter of complaint.
He is drafting legislation to control internet sales to minors.
The software can be used as a tool for drafting school papers.
to draw the plans for a new building, structure, machine, etc.
They hired an architect to draft the plans for their new home. 他们雇了一名建筑师为他们的新家绘制设计图。
[ T usually passive ] mainly US (UK conscript)征兵
to order people by law to join the armed forces
He was drafted (into the army) at 18. 他18岁时应征参军(入伍)。
Phrasal verb
draft someone in 征召,招募
to bring someone somewhere to do a particular job
Every Christmas thousands of people are drafted in to help with the mail. 每逢圣诞节,成千上万的人都被召集来帮助处理邮件。
adjective [ before noun ] uk/drɑːft/ us/dræft/
A draft plan, document, etc. is in its first form, including the main points but not all the details.
a draft plan/bill/proposal 计划/提案/建议草稿
US (UK draught)(啤酒等)桶装的,散装的
(of drinks such as beer) stored in and served from large containers, especially barrels
draft beer/lager/cider 散装啤酒/拉格啤酒/苹果酒
US (UK draught)动物供使役用的
(of animals) used for pulling heavy loads, vehicles, etc.
a draft horse 役用马




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