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词汇 date
noun [ C ] uk/deɪt/ us/deɪt/
A1 日期;日子
a numbered day in a month, often given with a combination of the name of the day, the month, and the year
What's the date (today)?/What date is it?/What's today's date? 今天几号?
UK Today's date is 11 June (the eleventh of June). 今天是6月11号。
US Today's date is June 11 (June the eleventh). 今天是6月11号。
What is your date of birth? 你的出生日期是哪一天?
The closing date for applications is the end of this month. 申请截止日期为本月底。
We agreed to meet again at a later date. 我们定好晚些时候再会面。
I'd like to fix a date for our next meeting. 我想定下我们下次会面的日期。
I made a date (= agreed a date and time) to see her about the house. 我已与她说好了见面谈房子的日期。
See also: out of date (FASHION)up to date
a particular year
The date on the coin is 1789. 硬币上的年份是1789年。
Albert Einstein's dates are 1879 to 1955 (= he was born in 1879 and died in 1955). 阿尔伯特‧爱因斯坦生于1879年,卒于1955年。
a month and a year
The expiry (US expiration) date of this certificate is August 2017. 本证书的失效日期为2017年8月
  • We've written to him asking him if he's free on that date but we haven't had an answer yet.
  • As the date of his operation drew near, he became more and more anxious.
  • If necessary, we can always change the dates of our trip.
  • Do you know the date of Caroline and Matthew's wedding?
  • Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted.
B1 (异性间的)约会,幽会
a social meeting planned before it happens, especially one between two people who have or might have a romantic relationship
He asked her out on a date. 他把她约了出去。
She has a hot date (= an exciting meeting) tonight. 她今晚有一个朝思暮想的约会。
mainly US约会对象
a person you have a romantic meeting with
Who's your date for the prom? 你约了谁去参加舞会?
  • We went out on a date.
  • I've got a date with someone from work tonight.
  • I know she's going to the cinema with him tonight but I don't know if it's a date as such.
  • I went there on a date with a boy I used to know.
  • So who's your date tonight?
a performance
They've just finished an exhausting 75-date European tour. 他们刚刚结束了欧洲巡回表演,一共演了75场,可谓筋疲力尽。
C1 海枣
the sweet fruit of various types of palm tree
it's a dateidiom informal (会面时间)很合适,没问题,就这么定了
used to say that a particular time is a good time to meet
"I can't make it at seven o'clock. How about 9.30?" "Sure, it's a date." “我7点钟不行,9点半怎么样?”“当然可以,没问题。”
to dateidiom formalB2 至今,迄今
up to the present time
This novel is his best work to date. 这部小说是他迄今为止最好的作品。
verb uk/deɪt/ us/deɪt/
B1 [ T ]在…上写上日子,在…上标明日期
to write the day's date on something you have written or made
[ + obj + noun ] Thank you for your letter dated 30 August. 谢谢你8月30日的来信。
[ T ]确定…的年代,推算…形成的时间
to say how long something has existed or when it was made
Archaeologists have been unable to date these fossils. 考古学家无法确定这些化石的生成年代。
An antique dealer had dated the vase at (= said that it was made in) 1734. 古玩经销商推算那个花瓶的制造年代为1734年。
  • The TV programme shows archaeologists using the latest technology to date things they have found.
  • Your cheque should be dated before or on the day the bill is due.
  • When they lifted the carpet, they found a newspaper dated 5 August 1952.
  • The portrait is signed and dated 1893.
  • The painting, dated 1928, is expected to fetch up to £250,000.
B1 [ I or T ] mainly US约会,(和…)谈恋爱
to regularly spend time with someone you have a romantic relationship with
They dated for five years before they got married. 他们谈了5年恋爱才结婚。
How long have you been dating Nicky? 你和尼基谈恋爱有多久了?
  • She dated a string of actors before she met her first husband.
  • She became famous when she started dating one of the country's top football stars.
  • Would you date a man ten years younger than yourself?
  • Their parents didn't approve of their relationship so they had to date in secret.
  • The two of them dated for a while, but it didn't work out.
[ I ]过时,不流行
to stop being fashionable or become old-fashioned
Some James Bond films have dated more than others. 和另外一些电影相比,詹姆斯‧邦德系列电影中有一些很快就过时了。
[ T ]表明…的年龄;揭示…的年代
to show the age of a person or thing
I can remember watching live TV coverage of the first lunar landing, so that dates me (= shows how old I am). 我还能记得观看首次登月电视直播的情景,由此可以看出我的年纪。
Phrasal verbs
date backB2 时间追溯
to have existed for a particular length of time or since a particular time
This tradition dates back to medieval times. 这个传统可以追溯到中世纪时期。
date from something 时间追溯
to have existed since a particular time
This map dates from the 14th century. 这张地图绘制于14世纪。




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