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词汇 review
verb uk/rɪˈvjuː/ us/rɪˈvjuː/
C1 [ T ]审查;仔细审核
to think or talk about something again, in order to make changes to it or to make a decision about it
The committee is reviewing the current arrangement/situation. 委员会正在审查目前的安排/研究当前的形势。
Let's review what has happened so far. 我们谈谈到目前为止发生的事情吧。
He reviewed his options before making a final decision. 他在最后作出决定之前,对各种选择进行了斟酌权衡。
  • With exams approaching, it's a good idea to review your class notes.
  • He reviews films for the local newspaper.
  • Your starting salary is £13 000 per annum and will be reviewed annually.
  • The laws governing the possession of firearms are being reviewed.
  • The company is reviewing its security after the robbery.
B2 [ T ]评论
If critics review a book, play, film, etc. they write their opinion of it.
I only go to see films that are reviewed favourably. 我只去看那些获得好评的电影。
[ T ]检阅部队
When an important person reviews military forces, they formally visit and look at them.
The Queen reviewed the troops on her recent visit. 在最近的访问中,女王检阅了部队。
[ I or T ] US (UK revise)学习
to study again something you have already learned, in preparation for an exam
We're reviewing (algebra) for the test tomorrow. 我们正在为明天的(代数)考试进行复习。
noun uk/rɪˈvjuː/ us/rɪˈvjuː/
C2 [ C or U ]审查仔细审核
the act of considering something again in order to make changes to it, give an opinion of it or study it
an annual review of company performance 对公司业绩每年一度的审核
a review of the year's top news stories 评审年度重大新闻事件
Salary levels are under review at the moment. 目前正对工资水平进行评审。
Your licence will come up for review every July. 你的执照每年7月要接受审核。
  • There's a generous review of the book in today's newspaper.
  • The review exposed widespread corruption in the police force.
  • The government has ordered a judicial review.
  • The reviews of his latest movies have been highly complimentary.
  • A review of the firm's safety procedures revealed serious problems.
B1 [ C ]评论
a report in a newspaper, magazine, or programme that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc.
Derek writes film/theatre/book reviews for the newspapers. 德里克为报纸写影/剧/书评。
The play got excellent reviews when it was first seen. 这部剧首演就获得了极高的评价。
[ C usually singular ]评论性报纸;评论杂志;(报刊的)评论栏目,评论版
a (part of a) newspaper or magazine that has articles on films, books, travel, famous people, etc.
Could you pass me the review (section of the paper), please? 把(报纸的)评论版部分递给我好吗?
[ C ]检阅;阅兵,阅兵式
a formal military ceremony in which forces are reviewed by an important person
Many diplomats attended a naval review to mark the anniversary of the end of the war. 很多外交官参加了在战争结束周年纪念上举行的海军阅兵式。
[ C ]轻松表演剧(同 revue)
a revue
[ C ] US(一门课程的)材料,练习,习题
information or a practice exercise about a subject to be studied
Their teacher distributed a review for the exam. 他们的老师发了一套考试复习题。




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