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词汇 company
noun uk/ˈkʌm.pə.ni/ us/ˈkʌm.pə.ni/
A2 [ C ]公司
an organization that sells goods or services in order to make money
He works for a software company/a company that makes software. 他在一家软件公司工作。
I work for Duggan and Company. 我在达根公司工作。
No smoking is company policy. 禁止吸烟是公司的规定。
  • The commercial future of the company looks very promising.
  • The company is concentrating on developing new products.
  • The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees.
  • PolyGram is one of the world's largest record companies.
  • In the space of just ten years, her company has grown from one small shop to a multi-million-pound empire.
B2 [ U ]作伴;陪伴;同伴
the fact of being with a person or people, or the person or people you are with
I just enjoy his company. 有他陪伴我感到很愉快。
It was a long trip and I was grateful for his company. 旅途漫漫,我感谢有他作伴。
I enjoy my own company (= I like being alone). 我喜欢独处。
I travelled in the company of (= with) two teachers as far as Istanbul. 我和两位老师结伴而行,一直到了伊斯坦布尔。
I'd rather you didn't mention it when we're in company (= with other people). 当着他人的面,我觉得你最好不要提起那件事。
I didn't realize you had company (= were with someone/people). 我不知道你这儿有人。
Margot came to stay for a week as company for my mother while I was away. 在我离家期间,玛戈到我家来住了1个星期,给我母亲作伴。
With only her thoughts for company (= being alone), she walked slowly along the beach. 她慢慢地沿着海滨散步,独自一人沉思着。
be good companyC1 是个好伙伴
to be pleasant and entertaining to be with
You'll like Rosie - she's good company. 你会喜欢罗茜的——她是个好伙伴。
When he's in the mood to be good company, he's great.
She'd be better company at parties if she could stop being so serious.
I knew that a group of folk musicians would be good company.
She didn't approve of Paul's political views, but she had to admit he was good company.
for company 为了有个伴儿,为了不冷清
If you do something for company, you do it to make you feel as if you are not alone.
I usually have the radio on for company. 我一般会开着收音机,为的是有伴儿。
He brings his two dogs with him for company.
I went to look at the house, and took my mother along for company.
For company, she plays with her two tortoiseshell cats.
He used to put the TV on for company - a habit he'd picked up from his mother.
keep someone companyB2 与…作伴,陪伴…
to stay with someone so that they are not alone
I'll keep you company till the train comes. 火车到来之前我会一直陪着你。
I spent the morning cooking, with my daughter Jane keeping me company.
She misses the farm, and the dogs that kept her company there.
Out there in the wilderness, they had nothing but the wildlife to keep them company.
Thanks very much for keeping us company today.
  • You should take it as a compliment when I fall asleep in your company - it means I'm relaxed.
  • She didn't mix with her contemporaries, preferring the company of older people.
  • Where have you been? We've been deprived of your company for far too long!
  • She entranced them with her intellect and the joy of her company.
  • I can't stand academics - present company excepted .
[ C ]剧团;演出团;歌舞团
a group of actors, singers, or dancers who perform together
She's in the National Theatre Company. 她是皇家国立剧团的演员。
I'd like to thank the director, the choreographer and the other members of the company for being so supportive. 我想对导演、编舞及剧团其他成员的大力支持表示感谢。
  • He founded his own dance company.
  • She works for a theatre company in Leeds.
  • All the members of the company took the stage for a bow.
[ C, + sing/pl verb ](尤指军队中营下辖的)连,连队
a large group of soldiers. especially a division of a battalion
[ C, + sing/pl verb ] UK女童子军大队
an organized group of young women who are Guides
My cousin and I joined the same Guide company. 我表姐和我加入了同一支女童子军大队。
be in good companyidiom (有同样问题的)大有人在
to have the same problem as many other people
"I can't play tennis - I'm hopeless at it!" "Oh well, you're in good company." “我不会打网球——我对网球一窍不通!”“噢,是吗,像你这样的大有人在。”
the company someone keepsidiom …所交往的人,与…为伍的人
the influence of the people that someone spends time with
"Where does he pick up words like that?" "It's the company he keeps." “他从哪儿学的那种话?”“从他结交的朋友那里。”
He's been keeping bad company (= spending time with unsuitable people). 他交了一些不三不四的朋友。




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