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词汇 pass
verb uk/pɑːs/ us/pæs/
B1 [ I or T ]经过,路过
to go past something or someone or move in relation to it, him, or her
I passed him on the stairs this morning. 今天早上我在楼梯上与他擦肩而过。
You should only pass a slower vehicle if it is safe to do so. 只有在安全的情况下,你才应该超越较慢的车辆。
If you pass a supermarket, could you get me some milk? 你若是路过超市的话,帮我买些牛奶好吗?
I was just passing by (= going past the place where you are), so I thought I'd drop in for a chat. 我正好路过,所以想进来聊聊。
A momentary look of anxiety passed across his face. 他脸上闪过一丝焦虑的神情。
A cloud passed over the sun. 一朵云飘过,遮住了太阳。
[ T ]时间)过去,流逝
to go past a particular point in time
Don't buy goods that have passed their sell-by date. 不要购买过了销售期限的商品。
C2 [ T ](数量或程度上)大于,超过
to go past something by being greater in amount or degree
The company's turnover is expected to pass the $10 million mark by the end of this year. 公司营业额预计将在今年年底超过一千万美元大关。
C2 [ I ](某一状态或感情)消失
If you say a state or feeling will pass, you mean it will disappear.
Don't worry, his depression is only temporary - it'll soon pass. 别担心,他的消沉只是暂时的——很快就会过去。
  • Stand aside, please, and let these people pass.
  • He took a step backwards to allow her to pass.
  • The ship passed Land's End, then steered towards southern Ireland.
  • She affectionately ruffled his hair with her hand as she passed.
  • After a strong start, she was passed by several runners on the final lap and finished ninth.
A2 [ I or T ]通过(考试、课程等)
to be successful in an exam, course, etc.
Guess what? I've passed my driving test! 你猜怎么着?我通过驾驶考试了!
The exam is so hard that only five percent of all applicants pass. 考试太难了,所有考生中只有5%通过。
  • She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally succeeded.
  • After all his hard work, he certainly ought to pass his exams.
  • I passed in history but failed in chemistry.
  • The teacher expected her to pass the exam without any difficulty.
  • I took a flute exam last month and I'm still waiting to hear whether I passed.
B1 [ T ]传递,传送
to give something to someone
Could you pass the salt please? 你能把盐递给我吗?
I asked if I could see the letter, so she passed it to me reluctantly. 我问能不能看看那封信,她很不情愿地递给了我。
[ + two objects ] Gerald passed me the note./Gerald passed the note to me. 杰拉尔德把便条递给了我。
Genes are the means by which parents' characteristics are passed on to their children. 基因是一系列遗传指令,父母的特征通过它们遗传给子女。
C2 [ I or T ]
In sports, if you pass the ball, you kick, throw, or hit it to someone in your team.
[ T ]使用(假钞或偷来的钱)
If you pass money, you give someone false or stolen money without telling them.
[ + two objects ] I haven't trusted him since he passed me a forged $100 bill. 自从他给了我一张100美元的假钞后我就不信任他了。
She was arrested for passing stolen cheques. 她因使用偷窃的支票而被捕。
  • Could you pass me that book?
  • She passed him the mug, filled to the brim with hot black coffee.
  • Pass me the camera, I want to take a photo.
  • She passed a plate of biscuits around .
  • Minelli passes the ball to Hernandez out there on the wing.
B1 [ I ]时间)推移,流逝
When time passes, it goes past.
Time seems to pass (by) so slowly when you're bored. 百无聊赖时,时间似乎过得很慢。
I was a little worried about the party, but the evening passed without any great disasters. 我有点为晚会担心,但是一晚上过去了,并没出什么大纰漏。
B2 [ T ]消磨,打发(时间
If you pass a period of time, you do something to stop yourself being bored during that period.
The visitors pass their days swimming, windsurfing, and playing volleyball. 游客们通过游泳、冲浪和打排球来消磨时间。
  • Hardly had a moment passed before the door creaked open.
  • Janet was surprised how quickly the time passed.
  • The next two days passed in a whirl of activity.
  • Time passes so quickly when you're enjoying yourself.
  • While we were waiting we did the crossword to pass the time.
B2 [ T ]通过,批准
(of an official group of people) to give approval to something, especially by voting to make it law
The government passed a law to restrict the sale of guns. 政府通过了一项限制枪支买卖的法律。
The food supplement had been passed as safe for human consumption. 这种食品添加剂通过了检测,适合食用。
  • The jury passed a verdict of guilty, with an appeal to the judge for clemency.
  • This legislation won't be passed during the life of the present parliament.
  • The motion was passed.
  • It's one of the most ridiculous laws that has ever been passed.
  • The two countries are resuming negotiations after a new resolution was passed by the Security Council.
pass judgment, comment, etc. 作出评判/评论等
to express a judgment or opinion about something, especially someone else's behaviour
As a convicted criminal, he's in no position to pass judgment (on the rest of us). 他是已定罪的罪犯,没资格(对我们其他人)品头论足。
pass sentence 宣判
to say officially, as a judge, what a criminal's official punishment will be
[ T ] formal排泄,分泌
to remove waste from the body
to pass urine 排尿
pass bloodformal 便血
to have blood in your urine or faeces (= solid waste)
If you pass blood, you should go and see your doctor. 如果你便血的话应该去看医生。
[ I ](牌戏中不出牌或竞赛中不回答问题时的用语)
to choose not to play in a part of a game or not to answer a question in a quiz
[ I usually + adv/prep ]状态)变化,转化
to change from one state to another
Wax passes from solid to liquid when you heat it. 蜡受热后会从固体变成液体。
pass (all) beliefidiom mainly UK 难以置信
to be (extremely) difficult to believe
It passes all belief that he could have been so selfish. 他竟会这样自私,真是难以置信。
pass musteridiom 达到标准,符合要求
to reach an acceptable standard
New teams won't be admitted to the league if their stadiums don't pass muster. 如果他们的体育馆达不到标准的话,新队是不能参加联赛的。
pass the hat around/roundidiom 凑钱;募捐
to try to collect money by asking people or organizations
pass the time of dayidiom 说几句话
to have a short informal conversation
I was just passing the time of day with her. 我当时只是和她聊了几句。
pass wateridiom 排尿
polite expression for urinate
Phrasal verbs
pass something aroundB2 分发
to offer something to each person in a group of people
Could you do me a favour and pass these sandwiches around? 你能帮我把这些三明治发给大家吗?
pass as someone/something 看起来像;被当作
to be accepted as something
She had to go out in the world and try to pass as a boy.
Do you think this jacket and trousers will pass as a suit? They're almost the same colour. 你觉得这件夹克和裤子看起来像一套吗?它们颜色几乎一样。
pass awayB2 (礼貌的说法)去世
polite expression for die
She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week. 她非常难过,因为她父亲上周去世了。
pass someone by 某人未从中受益某人)失之交臂
If an event or opportunity passes you by, you do not notice it, or get any pleasure or advantage from it.
Do you ever feel that life is passing you by? 你有时会不会觉得自己未受到生活的眷顾?
pass something down 把…传给后人,把…往下传
to teach or give something to someone who will be alive after you have died
His is a family trade, passed down from generation to generation. 他那是家传手艺,是一代一代传下来的。
pass off 发生,进行,举行
to happen
The pop festival passed off peacefully, despite the fears of local residents. 尽管当地居民忧惧担心,流行音乐节还是平安顺利地举行了。
pass something off as something 拿…假冒,用…冒充
to pretend that something is a particular thing when it is not
The dealer was trying to pass off fakes as valuable antiques. 那个商人试图用假货冒充贵重的古董。
It's hard to believe anyone would try to pass this nonsense off as literature. 很难相信有什么人会试图把这种毫无意义的文章当作文学。
pass onB2 (礼貌的说法)去世
polite expression for die
It's important to remember friends and family who have passed on. 纪念去世的家人和朋友是很重要的。
pass on something 放弃机会;决定不参加
to refuse an opportunity or decide not to take part in something
He passed on the chance to be head coach and took a job in Florida. 他放弃了成为主教练的机会,而是去佛罗里达找了一份工作。
Synonym: decline (REFUSE)
pass something onB1 告诉
to tell someone something that another person has told you
If he provided us with any information, no one passed it on to me. 如果他给我们提供了什么信息的话,没有人告诉过我。
B1 传递
to give someone something that another person has given you
Could you pass it on to Laura when you've finished reading it? 你看完后能把它传给劳拉吗?
to give a disease to another person
It's possible to pass on the virus to others through physical contact. 这种病毒可能会通过身体的接触传染给其他人。
More phrasal verbs
pass outB2 (因病痛、受伤或醉酒)昏迷,失去知觉
to become unconscious for a short time, for example when ill, badly hurt, or drunk
I was hit on the head and passed out. 我被击中了头部,一下就昏过去了。
to leave a military college after successfully finishing the course
The new officers passed out from Britannia Royal Naval College on Thursday 1 August . 新军官们8月1日星期四从不列颠尼亚皇家海军学院毕业了。
pass something out 分发,分配
to give something to each person in a group of people
The teacher passed out the test booklets. 老师分发了考试册。
pass someone/something over 忽略,对…不予考虑
to ignore or not give attention to someone or something
The woman alleges that her employers passed her over for promotion because she was pregnant. 这个妇女声称,由于她怀孕了,老板根本没有考虑她的提升问题。
pass something roundB2 (见pass sth around)
→  pass something around
pass something up 放过,放弃,错过(机会
to fail to take advantage of an opportunity
I can't believe she passed up the chance to go to South America. 我不敢相信她放弃了去南美的机会。
He's never one to pass up a free meal. 他那种人绝不会放弃白吃一顿的机会。
noun uk/pɑːs/ us/pæs/
B2 [ C ] UK考试)及格,通过
a successful result in an exam
Jon Hill achieved two grade A passes at A-level. 乔‧希尔在高级证书考试中取得了 A 等成绩。
[ C ] US及格分数;考试及格
a successful result in a course or exam for which the student will not be given a mark
I got a pass in my Literature course. 我修习的文学课程考试及格了。
C2 [ C ]传球动作
a movement of the ball from one player to another member of the same team in a team sport
  • Peters received a diagonal pass and headed the ball into the net.
  • Batistuta intercepted Neville's pass and scored the third goal.
  • That was a perfect pass from Rooney to Owen.
  • Yet another brilliant pass by Anderson!
  • Another sloppy pass like that might lose them the whole match.
B1 [ C ]通行证,出入证;乘车证
an official document or ticket showing that you have the right to go somewhere or use a particular form of transport
a bus pass 公共汽车乘车证
a boarding pass 登机牌
My guest pass allows me to use the club's facilities free of charge. 我有贵宾证,可以免费使用该俱乐部的设施。
[ C ] mainly US免课证(允许某一学生因为特殊原因离开课堂)
a document that allows a student to leave a class for a particular reason
She had a pass to go to the library. 她得到许可离开课堂去图书馆。
  • Annie's the film critic for the local radio station, so she's got a free pass for all the cinemas in the area.
  • The official at the gate checked our passes.
  • You need a security pass to enter the building.
  • All passengers will require a boarding pass and a valid passport.
  • They gave me a backstage pass and I met some of the actors.
[ C ]山道,山口;要隘
a path or road between or over mountains
a mountain pass 山口
[ S ]困境,令人不快的境遇
a difficult or unpleasant condition
If I'd been aware things had reached such a pass, I'd have told the police. 我要是知道事情已到了这步田地,早就报警了。
UK It's come to a pretty pass (= it's a bad situation) when you can't even have a few quiet drinks with some friends. 当你连和几个朋友安静地喝几杯也不行时,处境真是糟透了。
make a pass at someoneinformal 某人)调情;勾引(某人
to speak to or touch someone in a way that shows you would like to start a sexual relationship with them




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