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词汇 close
verb uk/kləʊz/ us/kloʊz/
A1 [ I or T ]使)关,合,关闭
to change from being open to not being open, or to cause something to do this
Could you close the door please?
I went out and forgot to close the window.
Close your eyes - I've got a surprise for you. 闭上眼睛——我有份惊喜给你。
A2 [ I ](商店或餐馆)关门,不营业,打烊;(公共场所)不开放
When a shop, restaurant, or public place closes, people cannot go into it.
The banks had closed so I couldn't get any money out.
We close to customers on Tuesday mornings for staff training.
The museum closes at 5.30. 博物馆5点半闭馆。
We can't get a drink! It's after closing time. 我们喝不上酒了!已经打烊了。
  • The council decided to close the library and now the building stands empty.
  • Is it all right if I close the window?
  • All 2,500 employees went on strike in protest at the decision to close the factory.
  • Unless we find some new funding soon, the youth centre will have to close.
  • The flowers open in the morning but close again in the afternoon.
C2 [ I or T ]使)结束,(使停止
to end, or to cause something to do this
The play closed with the tragic death of both hero and heroine. 这部戏以男女主人公的惨死而告终。
She closed the meeting with a short speech. 她以简短的讲话结束了会议。
The pound closed at (= was worth) $1.47 at the end of the day's trading. 英镑在一天交易结束时收盘价为1.47美元。
B2 [ I or T ]使)(生意或组织)倒闭;关闭(使)(业务停止
(of a business, organization, or business arrangement) to stop operating; to cause something to stop operating
I closed that bank account when I came to London. 我一到伦敦就把那个银行账户撤销了。
The factory closed over ten years ago. 这家工厂十几年前就关闭了。
close a deal 成交,做成生意
to make a successful business arrangement with someone
We closed a deal with a major supermarket. 我们与一家大超市做成了一笔交易。
He threw in some free samples, closing the deal then and there.
Unfortunately, our salesman was inexperienced and failed to close the deal.
I'm happy to employ a mediator if we can't close a deal without one.
It will take months to close the deal since regulatory approval is needed in almost every state.
  • She spoke against the decision to close the college.
  • The local council has decreed that the hospital should close.
  • We had to close our London office - with the rent so high it just wasn't economic.
  • Sales have fallen badly this year, to the extent that we will have to close some of our shops.
  • The country's government has come under fire for its decision to close the mines.
close your eyes to somethingidiom 对…视而不见;不理会
to ignore something bad and pretend it is not happening
She closed her eyes to the fact that her son was stealing. 她对儿子偷窃的事视而不见。
close ranksidiom (尤指团体或组织成员为免受批评而)紧密团结,携手合作,抱团
When the members of a group or organization close ranks, they make an effort to stay united, especially in order to defend themselves from severe criticism.
In the past, the party would have closed ranks around its leader and defended him loyally. 要是放在以前,该党会紧紧团结在其领袖周围,忠心地维护他。
close up shopidiom US (UK shut up shop) 歇业;关门;停业
to end an activity, usually a business activity, either temporarily or permanently
Many companies are considering closing up shop in this country and transferring production to low wage economies. 许多公司都在考虑关停在该国的业务,将生产转向低工资国家。
Phrasal verbs
close (something) downB2 关闭;(使)倒闭;(使停业
If a business or organization closes down or someone closes it down, it stops operating.
All the mines in this area were closed down in the 1980s. 该地区的矿井在20世纪80年代全部关闭。
Our local butcher is closing down. 我们当地的肉铺快停业了。
close inC2 (通常指为了进攻)慢慢围上来,包围,逼近
to gradually get nearer to someone, usually in order to attack them
The advancing soldiers closed in on the town. 前进的士兵一步步包围了镇子。
The hunt chased the fox until it was too tired and weak to run and then closed in for the kill. 猎狐队一直把狐狸追得精疲力竭跑不动了,然后再包围上去捕杀。
close something offC1 封锁,封闭,关闭(入口
to put something across the entrance of a place to stop people from entering
Police quickly closed off the area. 警方迅速封闭了该地区。
[ S ] uk/kləʊz/ us/kloʊz/末尾,结尾;结束,结局
the end of something, or the time when you end it
At the close of the meeting the contract remained unsigned.
The season is now nearing its close.
See also: close of businessclose of play
  • The character's fate at the close of the book remains unclear.
  • An auction of artwork was organized for the close of the show.
  • They discussed the period from the beginning of the Seven Years' War to the close of the Napoleonic Wars.
[ C ] UK uk/kləʊs/ us/kloʊs/(通常通向私人住宅的)街道,死巷,死胡同
a road, usually with private houses, that vehicles can only enter from one end
He lives at 83 Barker Close. 他住在巴克巷83号。
adjective uk/kləʊs/ us/kloʊs/
B1 近亲的;密切的;团结的
having direct family connections or shared beliefs, support, and sympathy
There weren't many people at the funeral - just close family/relatives. 葬礼上没有多少人——只有一些至亲。
They're a worrying political party because of their close links/ties with terrorist groups. 这个政党令人担忧,因为他们同恐怖组织有密切联系。
In those early months, there's a very close bond between mother and child. 在婴儿出生后的头几个月,母婴之间有一种非常亲密的纽带联系。
a close community 邻里关系密切的社区
A2 亲密的;亲近的;联系紧密的
People who are close know each other very well and like each other a lot, or they see and talk to each other a lot.
Mira is one of my closest friends. 米拉是我的一位密友。
Her relationship isn't good with her father, but she's very close to her mother. 她和父亲的关系不好,可是和母亲的关系非常亲近。
My brother and I have become much closer over the years. 这些年,哥哥和我的关系亲密多了。
  • Did you form any close friendships while you were at college?
  • Historically , there have always been close links between France and Scotland.
  • All her close relatives came to the wedding.
  • She is one of the president's closest advisers.
  • We haven't always been close, but she was there for me when I needed her.
C2 细致的,仔细的
looking at or listening to someone or something very carefully
Police are paying close attention to the situation. 警察密切关注着局势。
Take a closer look at this photograph. 更仔细地看看这张照片。
unwilling to talk about things to other people
He's so close about his past - it seems like he's hiding something. 他对自己的过去守口如瓶——好像要隐瞒什么。
used to describe weather or air conditions in which it is difficult to breathe and it is uncomfortably warm
Can I open the window? It's very close in here. 我能开窗吗?这里太闷了。
adjective, adverb uk/kləʊs/ us/kloʊs/
A1 (空间或时间上)接近的),靠近的(
not far in position or time
Don't get too close to that dog, Rosie. 罗西,别靠那条狗太近。
I hate people standing too close to me. 我讨厌别人站得离我太近。
As Christmas gets closer, the shops get more and more crowded. 随着圣诞节临近,商店里越来越拥挤。
Emma looked close to tears (= almost going to cry). 埃玛看起来要哭了。
close by 近,不远
Shall we call in on Miranda? You know she lives quite close by. 我们去拜访一下米兰达,好吗?你知道的,她就住在附近。
Everywhere she went, there were photographers close by.
Make sure you stay close by while I'm talking to her.
Let's go out to eat. There's a good Italian restaurant close by.
I don't worry too much because my parents are always close by if I need any help.
  • Walking along the darkened street, he heard footsteps close behind him.
  • Bodyguards surrounded the singer so that photographers couldn't get close.
  • We live close to the railway line.
  • Although close to tears, she tried to make her voice sound casual.
  • He told her to stay close and not to wander off again.
C1 接近的,只有细微差别的
having only a small difference
The election results were so close they had to vote again. 选举结果非常接近,他们不得不重新投票。
He came second in the race, but it was very close. 他跑了第二名,不过差距很小。
The youngest boys are so close in age they look like twins. 两个最小的男孩年龄很接近,看上去就像双胞胎。
Both children bear a very close resemblance to their father. 两个孩子长得都很像他们的父亲。
close on/to (US usually close to) 接近,几乎,差不多
I think there are close on three million unemployed at present. 我想现在有将近300万失业人口。
She saw that it was close on ten and she had no time to do her make-up.
We must have served close to a thousand burgers.
He won close to 200,000 more votes than in the previous election.
They received ad revenue of close to $1 billion.
  • There are several close affinities between the two paintings.
  • He won the race, but it was very close.
  • Eventually we chose Mary for the job, but it was a close decision.
  • The children are very close in their musical ability.
  • All three of us are close in age.
close, but no cigaridiom informal 差一点就要成功的
used to say that someone almost succeeded, but is not completely successful or correct
It was close but no cigar for Johnny as he came second once again. 约翰尼又得了第二名,真遗憾,差一点就成功了。
at close quarters/rangeidiom 近距离
(from) a short distance away
When you see famous people at close quarters, they always appear much smaller than you imagined them. 近距离看名人时,他们看起来往往比你想象的要平凡得多。
He was shot at close range. 他是被近距离枪杀的。
be close to the boneidiom (说话或写文章)尖刻,入木三分
If something you say or write is close to the bone, it is close to the truth in a way that might offend some people.
be too close for comfortidiom humorous 近得令人担心;近得令人害怕
to be so close to you that you feel worried or frightened
His mother lives in the next street to us, which is a little too close for comfort. 他母亲住在与我们邻近的那条街上,离得有点太近,令人不自在。
come close to blowsidiom 差点打起来
to almost begin fighting
Phil was furious with the manager - I think he came close to blows. 菲尔对经理非常愤怒——我看他几乎要爆发了。
that was close!idiom informal (also that was a close one!) 好险!
used when something bad almost happened, but you managed to avoid it
When we packed up the tent in the morning, he showed me bear tracks, saying " That was a close one!" 我们早上收帐篷的时候,他一边让我看熊的足迹,一边说:“好险!”




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