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词汇 class
noun uk/klɑːs/ us/klæs/
A1 [ C, + sing/pl verb ]班;班级
a group of students who are taught together at school, college, or university
Which class are you in this year? 今年你在哪个班?
She gave the whole class extra homework for a week. 她给全班额外布置了一星期的家庭作业。
My class (= the people in my class) was/were rather noisy this morning. 我的班里今天早上很吵。
[ as form of address ] Okay, class, settle down and open your books. 好了,同学们,安静下来,打开书本。
A1 [ C, + sing/pl verb ]一节)课;课堂
a period of time in which students are taught something
My last class ends at four o'clock. 我最后一堂课4点结束。
I was told off for talking in class. 我因为在课堂上讲话而受到了严厉批评。
Who takes/teaches your environmental studies class? 谁教你们环境学?
I missed my aerobics class yesterday. 我昨天没去上有氧健身操课。
Classes have been cancelled today because of a staff meeting. 因为有全体教工会议,今天的课取消了。
the class of 2012, 2013, etc. mainly US 2012(2013等)届毕业生
a group of students who successfully finished their studies in a particular year
The class of 2004 achieved the highest ever SAT scores in this district.
The plan to create new scholarships will benefit the class of 2005.
The class of 1975 returned that summer for their 50th reunion.
Fewer than half of employers in the area were planning to hire new employees from the class of 2010.
The new pavilion was a gift to the college from the class of 2000.
  • Sophie is way ahead of the other children in her class.
  • She never paid attention in class and seemed to be in a permanent daydream.
  • I think it's important to reduce class sizes in schools.
  • We've started going to a keep-fit class at the sports centre.
  • She's signed up for evening classes at the community college.
B2 [ C or U ]社会等级阶级阶层
a group of people within society who have the same economic and social position
The Labour Party has lost a lot of support among the working class. 工党失去了工人阶级中许多人的支持。
She belongs to the rich American upper class. 她属于富裕的美国上层阶级。
We live in a middle class neighbourhood. 我们住在一个中产阶级居住区。
She comes from an upper middle class background. 她出身于中上层阶级家庭。
He was a member of the ruling classes. 他是统治阶级中的一员。
She's studying the class structure of Japan. 她在研究日本的阶级结构。
Compare: caste
See also: underclass
  • The upper classes usually send their children to expensive private schools.
  • There is a widening gulf between the middle classes and the poorest sections of society.
  • The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors, or accountants.
  • The working class usually reacts in a predictable way to government policies.
  • In those days people were expected to marry someone from their own social class.
A2 [ C ](货物、服务或人的)等级,类别,级别
a group into which goods, services, or people are put according to their standard
Whenever I travel by train, I always travel first class. 我每次乘火车旅行都坐头等车厢。
first/second class mail 一类/二类邮件
a business/economy class ticket 商务舱/经济舱的机票
When it comes to mathematics, he's in a different class to his peers. 说到数学,他和他的同龄人不在一个级别上。
[ C ](英国大学学位成绩的)等级
in the UK, the standard that someone has reached in their university degree
What class of degree did you get? 你得的是几等学位?
He graduated with a second-class honours degree in physics. 他以物理学二等优秀学位毕业。
class A/B/C drug A/B/C类毒品(英国对毒品的分类,根据毒品的危险程度,以及被发现使用或销售后的受罚程度而定,A类毒品最危险)
in UK law, a group of illegal drugs classified according to how dangerous they are thought to be and how severe the punishment is for using or selling them, with class A the most dangerous
He was charged with possession of a class A drug, namely heroin. 他被控持有一种A类毒品,即海洛因。
Cannabis was reclassified as a class B drug against the advice of government experts.
Experts were willing to consider downgrading ecstasy from a class A to a class B drug.
There is a maximum penalty of two years in prison for using a class C drug.
Cannabis stays in the body for longer than most class A drugs.
be in a class of your own 是第一流的;是最好的
to be the best at a particular activity
As a long-distance runner, she's in a class of her own. 作为一名长跑选手,她是一流的。
Morris is in a class of his own amongst manufacturing executives.
When it comes to gratuitous insults, this city's taxi drivers are in a class of their own.
They soon discovered that their new fundraising officer was in a class of her own.
He's a bit lazy, but judged on ability, he's in a class of his own.
be in a class by itself/of its own 无与伦比,无可比拟
to be something of such a high quality that nothing can be compared to it
In New York, it is clear that Dominican hair salons are in a class of their own.
The versatility of this computer puts it in a class be itself.
These aircraft are in a class of their own, being small yet extremely fast.
The city's orchestra is in a class by itself.
This business is in a class by itself for customer choice and delivery options.
be out of your class 比…强得多
to be much better at doing something than you
I can't play chess with him. He's completely out of my class! 我没法跟他对弈。他水平比我高多了!
I sometimes enter regional photography competitions, but the people who enter national competitions are way out of my class.
I'm sorry, but the students who go to Yale are simply out of your class.
She was a good dancer, but these people were out of her class.
How long before he realizes that his colleagues are way out of his class and he leaves for a new job?
  • They always fly economy class.
  • Because of the delay, we were offered seats in first class.
  • I'd like you to send this for me first class, please.
  • Most of the girls were good at drawing, but Jenny was in a class of her own.
  • When it comes to cooking, Jane's in a different class to the rest of us.
[ U ]风度;时髦;优雅
the quality of being stylish or fashionable
She's got real class. 她的确风姿优雅。
[ C ] biology specialized(植物或动物分类的)
a group of related plants or animals, in the general classification of plants and animals
verb [ T ] uk/klɑːs/ us/klæs/
C1 把…归类;把…分级
to consider someone or something to belong to a particular group because of their qualities
I'm 17, but I'm still classed as a child when I travel by bus. 我17岁了,可是乘公共汽车时仍然被视为儿童。
I would class her among/with the top ten American novelists. 我会将她列为美国最好的10位小说家之一。
Synonym: sort
Compare: classify
adjective informal uk/klɑːs/ us/klæs/
very good
a class act 出色的行为
UK He's a class golfer. 他是位一流的高尔夫球手。




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