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词汇 absorb
verb [ T ] uk/əbˈzɔːb/ us/əbˈzɔːrb/
B2 (尤指逐渐)吸收
to take something in, especially gradually
Plants absorb carbon dioxide. 植物吸收二氧化碳。
In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb heat. 在气候寒冷的地方,房屋的墙壁必须能吸收热量。
Towels absorb moisture. 毛巾吸收水汽。
The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. 药物迅速被血液吸收流遍全身。
Our countryside is increasingly being absorbed by/into the large cities. 我们越来越多的农村地区正被大城市蚕食掉。
to reduce the effect of a physical force, shock, or change
The barrier absorbed the main impact of the crash. 碰撞产生的大部分冲击力被防撞墙吸收了。
  • I'm so tired, my poor befuddled brain can't absorb any more.
  • For running on hard roads, you need shoes with extra cushioning to absorb the shock.
  • From an early age, children absorb everything going on around them.
  • He was so absorbed in his work, he hadn't realized everyone else had gone home.
  • Vitamin D is absorbed by the body after exposure to sunshine.
C1 理解;掌握(事实、想法等)
to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them
It's hard to absorb so much information. 掌握如此大量信息非常困难。
B2 使完全吸引住;(使)全神贯注于…
to take up someone's attention completely
The project has absorbed her for several years. 好几年她都全神贯注于这项工程中。
Synonym: engross
if a business absorbs the cost of something, it pays that cost easily
The school has absorbed most of the expenses so far, but it may have to offer fewer places next year to reduce costs. 这间学校目前能够承担大部分的费用,可是明年可能不得不通过减少招生降低开支。
if one company absorbs another company, it takes control of it and they become one company
Telecorp Holdings absorbed its Spanish subsidiary into its British headquarters. 泰利控股将其西班牙子公司并入英国总部。




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