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词汇 bubble
noun uk/ˈbʌb.əl/ us/ˈbʌb.əl/
C1 [ C ]泡;气泡;泡沫
a ball of gas that appears in a liquid, or a ball formed of air surrounded by liquid that floats in the air
As water begins to boil, bubbles rise to the surface. 水开了,气泡升向水面。
I love champagne - I think it's the bubbles that make it so good. 我喜欢香槟——我觉得它的美妙之处在于它的气泡。
  • soap bubbles
  • Emily was blowing bubbles in the garden.
  • The bubbles from the champagne went up my nose and made me sneeze.
  • The kids like bubbles in their bath.
  • She watched as, one by one, the bubbles popped.
[ C usually singular ]经济泡沫
a temporary period of very successful economic performance in a particular country or sector, often followed by sudden failure
Japan's economic bubble 日本的经济泡沫
the housing bubble 房地产泡沫
He made millions before the dotcom bubble burst. 在互联网泡沫破碎之前他赚了几百万。
[ C ]舒适圈
a situation in which you only experience things that you expect or find easy to deal with, for example opinions you agree with, or people who are similar to you
The candidate liked to talk to ordinary people to get a fix on what was happening outside his bubble. 这位候选人喜欢与老百姓交谈,以了解他生活圈外所发生的事情。
On social media we all tend to live in our bubbles, where everyone feels the same way we do. 在社交媒体上,我们都喜于处在与自己同声共气的舒适圈中。
burst someone's bubbleidiom 打破某人的幻想;使某人幻灭;泼人冷水
to say or do something that shows someone that their beliefs are false, or that what they want to happen will not happen
He was so happy about marrying Maria Luisa, I couldn't burst his bubble. 他特别开心能娶到玛丽亚·路易莎,我无法泼他冷水。
I hate to burst your bubble, but that's never going to happen. 我不得不告诉你实话,但那是永远不会发生的。| 我并不是想要打击你,但你的梦想绝不可能实现。
on the bubbleidiom US informal濒临于某种状态;几乎无法维持某种情况
not certain to get a place in a team, keep your job, win an election, etc.
Those who had not gained their paramedic certification were "on the bubble" with regard to keeping their jobs. 那些未持有医护证书的人濒临失业。
verb uk/ˈbʌb.əl/ us/ˈbʌb.əl/
C2 [ I ]冒泡
to produce bubbles
We could hear the soup bubbling away (= bubbling strongly) in the pot. 我们能听见罐子里的汤咕嘟咕嘟的冒泡声。
Phrasal verbs
bubble overC1 无比激动
to be very excited and enthusiastic
She was bubbling over with excitement/enthusiasm. 她兴奋/热切之情溢于言表。
bubble up 升到液体表面;变得明显,涌现
to rise to the surface or become obvious
She laughs, a tinkling musical child’s laugh, bubbling up out of her. 她笑了,发出清脆悦耳的童声欢笑。
Interesting ideas about education and healthcare are bubbling up all over the country. 有关教育和医疗有意思想法在全国各地涌现出来。




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