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词汇 aggressive
adjective uk/əˈɡres.ɪv/ us/əˈɡres.ɪv/
B2 好斗的;富于攻击性的;挑衅的
showing anger and a willingness to attack other people
The stereotype is that men tend to be more aggressive than women.
If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting. 如果我批评他,他就会寻衅大吵大闹。
Aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated in the classroom.
  • He is rebellious, aggressive and at times self-destructive.
  • He's slightly aggressive, which a lot of people find a bit off-putting when they first meet him.
  • The mood of the crowd suddenly turned aggressive.
C1 积极进取的有冲劲的雄心勃勃的
determined to win or succeed and using forceful action to do this
an aggressive election campaign 声势浩大的竞选活动
aggressive marketing tactics 雄心勃勃的营销策略
Both players won their first-round matches in aggressive style. 两名选手都以敢打敢拼、志在必得的打法赢得了第一轮比赛。
  • She carved out a reputation for herself as an aggressive negotiator.
  • We need our team to be more aggressive.
medical specialized疾病恶性的
An aggressive condition is one that is serious and quickly spreads in the body or gets worse.
The more aggressive the cancer, the further and faster it spreads. 癌症越呈恶性,其发展就越广越快。
medical specialized(对恶性病)积极治疗的
Aggressive treatment is strong treatment that could itself cause harm, used when someone has a serious condition.
Brain cancer requires aggressive treatment such as surgery. 脑部肿瘤需要采用积极治疗手段,比如手术。
Related word: aggressively




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