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词汇 beyond
preposition, adverb uk/biˈjɒnd/ us/biˈjɑːnd/
B1 更远远于
further away in the distance (than something)
In the distance, beyond the river, was a small town. 在河对岸的远处有一座小镇。
From the top of the hill we could see our house and the woods beyond. 站在这个小山顶,能看到我们的房子和远处的森林。
  • The path extends beyond the end of the road.
  • We swam out beyond the breakers.
  • Our house is just beyond the bridge.
  • The campsite is over there, just beyond that hill.
  • Can you see where the village starts, just beyond those trees?
B1 范围)超出…;超过…
outside or after (a stated limit)
Few people live beyond the age of a hundred. 很少有人活过100岁。
We cannot allow the work to continue beyond the end of the year. 我们不能允许这项工作延续到下一年。
I've got nothing to tell you beyond (= in addition to) what I told you earlier. 除了先前告诉你的以外,我没有别的可说了。
The repercussions will be felt throughout the industry and beyond (= in other areas). 影响将波及整个产业及其他领域。
Tonight's performance has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control (= events that we are unable to deal with). 由于出现了一些我们无法控制的情况,今晚的演出取消了。
She has always lived beyond her means (= spent more than she has earned). 她生活总是入不敷出。
go beyond sth 超出|不只是
to be more than or not limited to something
The appeal of this device goes beyond convenience. 这个设备的特点不仅是便利。
The behaviour of people with ADHD goes beyond occasional fidgeting or disorganization. 多动症患者的行为不仅仅是偶尔的坐立不安或无序。
His sense of adventure went beyond a mere love of travel.
As a doctor, her focus goes beyond medicine to include all aspects of primary care.
beyond belief, repair, recognition, etc.C2 太…而难以置信(无法修复,难以辨认等)
too great or bad for anyone to believe, repair, recognize, etc.
His thoughtlessness is beyond belief. 他的轻率令人不可思议。
He survived the accident, but his car was damaged beyond repair. 在车祸中他幸存了下来,但他的车却彻底报废了。
Many reported that their jobs had changed beyond recognition during that period.
beyond excited, serious, angry, etc. informal极其兴奋、极其严肃、极其愤怒等
extremely excited, serious, angry, etc.
She says she is beyond excited to see her son for the first time in more than three years. 她说,三年多来第一次见到她儿子,她感到极其兴奋。
These days, I'm beyond happy. 这些天,我高兴极了。
The state of their finances is beyond serious.
His behaviour was outrageous. I was beyond angry with him.
The whole story was so obviously false, it's beyond ridiculous.
I think it's beyond sad that someone so brilliant wasn't appreciated in their lifetime.
beyond reasonable doubt UK (US beyond a reasonable doubt) (案件或罪行)证据确凿的,确实的
If a legal case or a person's guilt is proved beyond reasonable doubt, there is enough proof for the person accused of a crime to be judged guilty.
Her guilt was established beyond reasonable doubt. 她的罪行确凿无疑。
The state has not been able to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
Prosectors have to show beyond reasonable doubt that the accused intended to defraud his clients.
The jury concluded beyond reasonable doubt that she was not telling the truth.
The tribunal said it could not prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
  • How she manages to fit so much into a working day is beyond my comprehension .
  • The pain was bad beyond endurance.
  • We did so well - beyond all our expectations.
  • If traffic increases beyond a certain level, the city grinds to a halt .
  • These tests are beyond the capability of an average twelve-year-old.
be beyond someoneC1 informal令…无法理解;非…所能及
If something is beyond you, you are unable to understand it.
Physics is completely beyond me. 恐怕我根本就学不会物理。
Quite how this process works is beyond me.
How she finds time to do everything is beyond me.
The editorial board claimed that they had no explanation for the plagiarism - that how it made it to publication was completely beyond them.
Don't ask us where she gets all her money from. It's completely beyond us.
How anyone can call this progress is beyond me.
beyond compareidiom literaryC2 无可比拟
Something that is beyond compare is so good that nothing can be compared to it.
Her beauty is beyond compare. 她的美貌无可比拟。
beyond a jokeidiom mainly UK超出开玩笑的限度;令人极为难堪(或恼火)
If something is beyond a joke, it has stopped being funny and is now a serious matter.
I used to think he was funny, but his behaviour has now gone way beyond a joke. 我曾经以为他滑稽有趣,但他现在的行为已不是开玩笑的问题了。
beyond a shadow of a doubtidiom C2 确实;无可怀疑
If you know or believe something beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are certain that it is true.
He is responsible beyond a shadow of a doubt. 毫无疑问该他负责。
beyond the paleidiom 越轨的,出格的;无法接受的
If someone's behaviour is beyond the pale, it is unacceptable.
Her recent conduct is beyond the pale. 她最近的表现让人难以接受。
from beyond the graveidiom 过世之后,去世之后
after a person has died




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