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词汇 bed
noun uk/bed/ us/bed/
A1 [ C or U ]床,床铺;床位
a large, rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, used for sleeping on
He lived in a room with only two chairs, a bed, and a table. 他住的房间里只有两把椅子、一张床和一个桌子。
He likes to have breakfast in bed on a Saturday morning. 星期六早上他喜欢在床上吃早饭。
She didn't get out of bed till lunchtime today. 今天她直到吃午饭时才起床。
I'm exhausted - I'm going to bed (= going to get into a bed in order to sleep). 我累极了——我要上床睡觉了。
I always put the children to bed (= make certain that they get into a bed and are comfortable there ready for going to sleep) at 7.30 p.m. 我总是晚上7点半就打发孩子们上床睡觉。
make the bedB2 (起床后)收拾床铺,整理床铺
to make a bed neat after you have slept in it
I got up, dressed, made the bed and left.
Children should be encouraged to do simple chores such as making the bed.
They have servants to cook, clean, and make their beds.
They used to bicker about who should make the bed.
I get up later than my wife so I usually make the bed.
  • Martha threw back the covers and bounced out of bed.
  • I bent down to look under the bed.
  • I didn't even have the energy to get out of bed.
  • Tidy up your room. And don't forget to make your bed!
  • I want to finish off this essay before I go to bed.
C2 [ C ]底部基座
the bottom of something, or something that serves as a base
Many strange plants and fish live on the sea bed. 海底生活着许多奇异的植物和鱼类。
The railway was built on a bed of solid rock. 铁路建在硬石地基上。
a bed of something 以…为底层的饭菜
a pile of one type of food on which other food is arranged as a meal
roasted vegetables on a bed of rice 底下铺了一层米饭的烤蔬菜
Serve the beef on a bed of polenta with mushrooms and peppers.
Pile the avocados on a bed of lettuce.
You could serve the fish on a bed of lightly cooked greens.
C2 [ C ]苗床;花坛
a piece of ground used for growing plants outside
They have some beautiful flower beds in their garden. 他们院子里有一些很漂亮的花坛。
be in bed withidiom informal 与…同流合污,同…站在一边
to work with a person or organization, or to be involved with them, in a way that causes other people not to trust you
The newspaper editor is obviously in bed with the president. 报纸的主编显然是与总统站在一边的。
bed of nailsidiom 困境艰难的生活
a difficult situation or way of life
bed of rosesidiom 安乐窝;称心如意的处境
an easy and happy existence
get out of bed (on) the wrong sideidiom (US get up on the wrong side of the bed) 心情不好
to be in a bad mood and to be easily annoyed all day
go to bed with someoneidiom informal 某人)上床,与(某人发生性关系
to have sex with someone
in bedidiom 上床,发生性关系
having sex
She found her boyfriend in bed with another woman. 她发现男友跟另一个女人上床。
referring to sexual activity
He likes to make people think that he's good in bed. 他喜欢让人们觉得他床上功夫很好。
put something to bedidiom informal 成功处理解决
to successfully deal with something or solve a problem
We thought we'd put the issue to bed, but it was brought up again at the next meeting. 我们以为问题已经解决了,可是在紧接着的会议上又被提了出来。
publishing specialized将…上版(备印);把…付印
to start printing something
take to your bedidiom often disapproving卧病
to go to bed, especially because you feel ill or unable to deal with things
She took to her bed right after Alice was born and did not want to see anyone. 她生了艾丽丝以后就一直卧病在床,谁也不想见。
you've made your bed, now lie in itidiom saying 自食其果,自作自受
said to someone who must accept the unpleasant results of something they have done
verb [ T ] uk/bed/ us/bed/ -dd-
to put something firmly into a substance or into the ground
The posts should be firmly bedded in concrete. 这些柱子必须稳稳地埋插在混凝土中。
to have sex with someone
Phrasal verbs
bed down 换个地方睡觉
to lie down somewhere, usually somewhere different from where you usually sleep, in order to go to sleep
I bedded down on the couch for the night. 我晚上睡在沙发上。
If a new process or organization beds down, it starts to operate well because it has existed for long enough.
It did not take the procedure long to bed down. 不久这个程序就开始生效了。
bed something out 移苗,移栽
to move young or delicate plants from inside and plant them outside
May is the time to bed out the geraniums. 5月份正是移栽天竺葵的时候。
noun [ C ] uk/biːˈed/ us/biːˈed/
教育学士(Bachelor of Education的缩写)
abbreviation for Bachelor of Education: a degree taken by some teachers, or a person who has this degree




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