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词汇 bearing
noun uk/ˈbeə.rɪŋ/ us/ˈber.ɪŋ/
[ C ]轴承
a part of a machine that supports another part that turns around
a wheel bearing 车轮轴承
a roller bearing 滚柱轴承
get/find your bearings 发现确切位置
to discover your exact position
The road system was so complicated that we had to stop to get our bearings several times. 路况非常复杂,以至于我们不得不停下来好几次以确定方位。
To get your bearings, remember that the river runs almost directly west.
He stopped running and looked around to get his bearings.
She found her bearings by looking at the stars.
to succeed in becoming familiar with a new situation
It takes a while to get your bearings when you start a new job. 刚开始干一份工作时,需要花一段时间才能适应新环境。
This is yet another burden for new teachers who are still trying to get their bearings in the classroom.
The country is struggling to find its bearings after decades of authoritarian rule.
After a tentative start, the orchestra soon found its bearings and delivered a stirring performance.
Once they found their bearings, some of the prisoners began to develop creative ways of coping.
lose your bearings 迷路
If you lose your bearings, you do not know where you are.
They lost their bearings in the dark. 他们在黑暗中迷路了。
Inexperienced pilots sometimes lost their bearings and flew into mountains.
It's very easy to lose your bearings if you are exploring underground caverns.
At one point, we misread the map and lost our bearings.
I was worried that if I turned back, I would lose my bearings.
New York is a city where it's easy to lose your bearings.
[ C ] geography specialized方位;方位角
an exact position, measured clockwise (= to the right) from north. Bearings are given as three numbers
The campsite is 5 miles away from here on a bearing of 045 degrees. 野营地离这里有5英里,方位角为45度。
The yachtsman took a bearing on (= found his position by using) the lighthouse. 游艇驾驶员根据灯塔确定方位。
have a bearing on something 与…有关系;对…有影响
to have an influence on something or a relationship to something
What you decide now could have a considerable bearing on your future. 你现在所作的决定可能会对你的未来产生极大的影响。
It was clear that this testimony could have a bearing on the case we were investigating.
The success of each team has a bearing on its finances.
Studies show that height doesn't appear to have a bearing on a child's popularity.
The fall in annual profit may have had a bearing on her resignation.
[ U ] formal举止,风度
someone's way of moving and behaving
She had a proud, distinguished bearing. 她举止高贵。
suffix uk/ -beə.rɪŋ/ us/ -ber.ɪŋ/
supporting or holding the stated thing
a load-bearing wall 承重墙
ore-bearing rocks 矿物质构成的岩石




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