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词汇 about
preposition uk/əˈbaʊt/ us/əˈbaʊt/
A1 在…方面;有关,关于,涉及
on the subject of, or connected with
go on about He's always going on about what a great job he's got. 他总是喋喋不休地炫耀他的工作有多么好。
there's something about There's something about her attitude that worries me. 她态度中表现出的一些问题让我担心。
what about it "Is that your car?" "Yes, what about it?" “那是你的车吗?”“是的,怎么啦?”(有时这种说话方式带有一种愤怒或威胁的口气)
while someone is about it UK informal Could you make me a coffee too while you're about it (= while you are making one for yourself)? 你做咖啡的时候能不能给我也来一杯?
What's that book about? 这本书是关于什么的?
a film about the Spanish Civil War 一部反映西班牙内战的电影
We were talking/laughing about Sophie. 我们正谈论/笑话索苏菲呢。
I'm worried about David. 我真为戴维担心。
I really don't know what all the fuss is about. 我真不知道这么大惊小怪到底是怎么回事。
What didn't you like about the play? 这部剧哪些地方你不喜欢?
There's something special/strange/unique about him (= in his character).
  • He is always talking about how clever his children are.
  • I wish you'd stop making jokes about my friends.
  • Lots of people have complained about the noise.
  • The film was about creatures from outer space.
  • I was very nervous about driving again after the accident.
  • Stop jumping about, Billy, and just stand still for a moment!
mainly UK (US usually around)无序地,凌乱地
positioned around a place, often without a clear purpose or order
Their belongings were flung about the room. 他们的东西被凌乱地丢在房间里。
UK formal在一个特定的地方
in a particular place
Do you have such a thing as a pen about you/your person? (= Do you have a pen?) 你身上碰巧带笔了吗?
She was puttering about the kitchen.
how/what about...?idiom A2 (用于建议或主动提供给别人某物)…怎么样?
used when suggesting or offering something to someone
How about a trip to the zoo this afternoon? 今天下午去动物园怎么样?
"Coffee, Sarah?" "No, thanks." "What about you, Kate?" “萨拉,要咖啡吗?”“不了,多谢。”“凯特,你呢?”
adverb uk/əˈbaʊt/ us/əˈbaʊt/
A1 大约,大概,左右
a little more or less than the stated number or amount
about six feet tall 高约6英尺
about two months ago 大约两个月前
"What time are you leaving work today?" "About five." “你今天什么时候下班?”“5点左右。”
  • The town is about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas.
  • Fry the onion and garlic for about two minutes.
  • The average temperature worldwide has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit in the past 100 years.
  • "We'll be at your house at about nine o'clock, okay?"
  • We sent out the wedding invitations about three weeks ago.
We're about ready to leave. 我们差不多准备好要走了。
Well, I think that's about it for now (= we have almost finished what we are doing for the present). 好啦,我想现在已经干得差不多了。
B2 mainly UK (US usually around)四面八方
in many different directions
They heard someone moving about outside. 他们听到外面有人到处走动。
I've been running about all morning trying to find you. 我跑了一上午到处找你。
B2 mainly UK (US usually around)无序地,凌乱地
positioned around a place, often without a clear purpose or order
She always leaves her clothes lying about on the floor. 她的衣服总是东一件西一件乱丢在地板上。
mainly UK (US usually around)在…里或附近
in or near a place
Is John about (= somewhere near)? 约翰在附近吗?
There's a lot of flu about (= many people have the flu) at the moment. 目前这一带很多人患流感。
adjective uk/əˈbaʊt/ us/əˈbaʊt/
be about to do somethingB1 刚要…;行将…
to be going to do something very soon
I was about to leave when Mark arrived. 马克到的时候我刚要走。
She looked as if she was about to cry. 她看上去好像马上就要哭出来了。
He sensed that something was about to happen.
I was just about to borrow some money from Dad when finally the cheque arrived.
The train's about to leave. Hurry up!
I was about to phone Joe at work when he walked into the house.




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