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词汇 half
noun, pronoun, predeterminer, adjective, adverb uk/hɑːf/ us/hæf/
A2 一半,半个
either of the two equal or nearly equal parts that together make up a whole
"What's half of 96?" "48." “96的一半是多少?”“48。”
Roughly half (of) the class are Spanish and the others are a mixture of nationalities. 班上大约有一半是西班牙人,其余的则来自各个国家。
Cut the apple in half/into halves (= into two equal parts). 把这个苹果切成两半。
My little brother is half as tall as me/half my height. 我弟弟有我一半高。
half a dozen (= six) eggs 半打鸡蛋
Half of me would just like to give it all up and travel around the world (= partly I would like to, but partly I would not). 我有些想抛开一切去周游世界。
She was born in the latter half of the 18th century. 她生于18世纪后半叶。
The recipe tells you to use a pound and a half of butter. 菜谱上说要用1.5磅黄油。
B2 informal大量,许多
a lot
She invited a lot of people to the party but half of them didn't turn up. 她邀请了很多人来参加聚会,但许多人都没有来。
I don't even know where she is half (of) the time. 很多情况下我甚至都不知道她在哪儿。
half pastA1 (also UK informal half)…点半
Half past a particular hour is 30 minutes later than that hour.
I'll meet you at half past nine (= 09.30 or 21.30). 我会在9点半见你。
UK informal I'll meet you at half seven (= half past seven). 我会在7点半见你。
My alarm goes off at half past six in the morning.
The bomb was set to go off at half past one.
The show wasn't due to start until half past, but we showed up at 8.15 just to make sure we got to our seats in time.
B1 部分地,在某种程度上
only partly
He answered the door half naked. 他半裸着去开门。
I was half expecting to see her at the party. 我有点盼望在聚会上见到她。
I'm half inclined to take the job just because it's in Argentina. 我有点倾向于接受这份工作只因为它是在阿根廷。
He was being funny but I think he was half serious. 他表现得像在开玩笑,但我认为他是半当真的。
The bottle's half empty. 那个瓶子是半空的。
go halves informal (与某人)分摊费用
to divide the cost of something with someone
Shall we go halves on a bottle of champagne? 我们合买一瓶香槟好吗?
I'll go halves with you on a bottle of champagne. 我将与你合买一瓶香槟。
Would you be willing to go halves with me on these boots, and that could be my birthday present?
I hope he doesn't think I'm going halves with him.
It was our first date, but we went halves on everything so neither of us felt like we needed to pay the other one back.
half and half (两种东西)数量相等
equal amounts of two different things
The waste is mixed half and half with reclaimed wood and turned into decking.
Researchers believe the causes of asthma are about half and half genetic and environmental.
If you don't like wholewheat pasta, try mixing it half and half with regular pasta.
In our family, we speak Spanish and English, half and half.
See also: half-and-halfhalf noun pronoun predeterminer adjective adverb
half as much again 多一半
50 percent more of the existing number or amount
Last year, we raised almost £15,000. This year we raised about half as much again.
You could earn half as much again if you worked for a private company.
A house in London would cost half as much again as my house in Oxford and be much smaller!
This recipe makes eight rolls, but I usually adjust the recipe so I can make half as much again.
Overseas students have higher fees, and also need to pay half as much again for accommodation.
  • There were some tense moments in the second half of the game.
  • It tastes exactly the same as the real thing, but it has half the fat.
  • The exam lasted an hour and a half.
  • Two halves make a whole.
  • Over half his speech was devoted to the issue of unemployment.
be half the battleidiom 成功了一半完成最困难的部分
to be the most difficult part of a process so that once you have finished this part, you have almost succeeded
For a lot of jobs, getting an interview is half the battle. 对于很多工作职位来说,获得面试的机会就是成功了一半。
be half the dancer, writer, etc. you used to beidiom 舞跳得/文章写得(等等)比过去差远了(表示某事做得远不及从前)
to be much less good at doing something than you used to be
She's half the tennis player she used to be. 她网球打得比过去差远了。
given half a/the chanceidiom informal 只要有机会(就会做某事)
If someone would do something given half a chance, they would certainly do it if the opportunity came up.
I'd give up work given half a chance. 只要有机会我就会辞掉工作。
how the other half livesidiom humorous 瞧瞧人家是怎么过的!(评论富人时的调侃话)
something people say when they see or hear about the lives of people who are richer than them
not do things by halvesidiom humorous 做事全力以赴不半途而废
If someone does not do things by halves, they put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into doing things, often more than is necessary.
"I didn't realize you were decorating the whole house." "Oh, we don't do things by halves round here." “我没注意到你们把整座房子都粉刷了。”“是啊,我们费了很大的工夫。”
not halfidiom UK informal (加强肯定语气的口语表达)非常,很
used in spoken English to express a positive statement more strongly
It wasn't half crowded in the club last night (= it was very crowded). 俱乐部昨天晚上人满为患。
She didn't half shout at him (= she shouted a lot at him). 她冲他大喊大叫!
"You enjoyed yourself last night, didn't you?" "Not half !" (= Very much!) “你昨晚玩得很开心,是不是?”“非常开心!”
not half asidiom B2 远非,差得多
not nearly as
It wasn't half as good as that other restaurant we went to. 它比我们去的另一家餐馆差远了。
It's not half as easy as it looks. 这远远不像看上去那么容易。
not know the half of itidiom informal (also have not heard the half of it) 不知道更严重的情况
If someone does not know the half of it, they know that a situation is bad but do not know how serious it is.
"I hear things aren't going too well at work." "You don't know the half of it!" “我听说工作进展得不太顺利。”“你还不知道更糟的事呢!”
that was a game, meal, walk, etc. and a half!idiom informal 那是一场精彩的比赛/一顿佳肴/一段很长的路!(等等)(表示很令人吃惊、非常出色、花了很长时间等)
something that you say about something that was very surprising, very good, or took a lot of time
noun [ C ] uk/hɑːf/ us/hæf/ halves
first/second half (比赛的)上/下半场
either of two periods of time into which a game is divided
He has only made one NFL start and was pulled out after an ineffective first half.
My daughter has a football game and if I don't hurry up, she's going to miss the first half.
He wrenched his ankle in the first half of the game against Stanford.
He scored two more goals in the second half.
We played much better in the second half.
UK informal(尤指啤酒)半品脱
half a pint of a drink, especially beer
A pint of lager and two halves, please. 来份一品脱的拉格啤酒和两份半品脱的。
a ticket that is cheaper because it is for a child
Two (adults) and three halves to Manchester, please. 买两张去曼彻斯特的成人票和三张儿童半票。




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