

词汇 flatter
vt.1. 奉承;谄媚
She only flatters you so you will help her.她只是奉承你,以便你能帮助她。
Oh, you flatter me.啊,过奖了。
He flattered her on / about her sewing.他称赞她的缝纫技术好。
Most inferiors flattered their superiors with an exception of Mr Park.大多数下级都奉承上级,唯有派克先生例外。
2. 殷勤取悦
She was flattered at the invitation.受到邀请她受宠若惊。
She was flattered at the invitation.; She was flattered to be invited.; She was flattered that they invited her.受到他们的邀请,她感到十分愉快。
3. (画像等)比真人美
a flattering photograph一张比真人美的照片
The picture certainly doesn't flatter her.这张照片当然不及她本人好看。
flatter oneself自鸣得意
They flattered themselves that they would win.他们自以为会一定获胜。
We flattered ourselves that we could do without their help, but things ran counter to our wishes.我们自以为不需要他们帮忙也能办到,但是事与愿违。




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