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词汇 walk
verb uk/wɔːk/ us/wɑːk/
A1 [ I or T ]走,步行,行走
to move along by putting one foot in front of the other, allowing each foot to touch the ground before lifting the next
I walked home. 我走着回家的。
A cat was walking along the top of the fence. 一只猫在篱笆顶上走着。
He walks two miles to work every morning. 他每天早晨步行两英里去上班。
See also: jaywalk sleepwalk
B1 [ T ]陪(某人)走;步行送(某人
to go with someone to a particular place, for example because you want to protect them from danger, or show them the way
He offered to walk her home/to the station. 他提出陪她走回家/到车站。
B1 [ T ]牵着(动物散步(狗等)
to take an animal, especially a dog, for a walk
She walks the dog for an hour every afternoon. 她每天下午都遛一小时狗。
a walking disaster, encyclopedia, etc. 活灾难(指带来灾难的人)/活百科全书(等等
someone who seems to be a human form of disaster, encyclopedia, etc.
You broke another pair of glasses? You're just a walking disaster! 你又摔坏了一副眼镜?——唉,你真是个灾星!
  • We'd better walk a bit quicker - it's going to take forever if we go at this pace.
  • We walked along the beach collecting small crabs in a bucket.
  • He walks with a limp.
  • We were just walking along, chatting.
  • I walked backwards towards the door.
[ I ]解脱嫌疑(或指控)
to not be charged with a crime, or to be allowed to leave a court after being found not guilty of a crime
If police don't get the right evidence, he'll walk. 如果警方找不到合适的证据,他就可以解脱嫌疑。
[ I or T ](棒球击球员因投手投出四个坏球而)自由上垒
in baseball, to receive four balls outside the hitting area and be allowed to go to first base, or to throw the ball outside the hitting area four times so that the batter is allowed to go to first base
The first batters either missed or walked. 头几名击球员要么没有击中,要么自由上垒了。
He would have had a perfect game, except he walked a batter in the final inning. 对他来说,这本来可以是一场完美的比赛的,除了在最后一局他让一名击球手自由上垒。
[ T ] UK informal轻松通过考试);轻松取得(比赛)的胜利
to pass or win something, such as an exam or game, easily
She'll walk the interview - the job is practically hers already. 她会轻松通过面试的——那份工作实际上已经是她的了。
walk all over someoneidiom 虐待某人);轻松战胜(某人
to treat someone very badly or defeat them very easily
If you don't want to work at the weekend, say so - don't let the boss walk all over you. 假如你周末不想工作,那就说出来——不要听任老板的摆布。
walk itidiom UK informal 轻松获胜轻易成功
to win or succeed easily
The team should walk it on Saturday. 那支队伍周六应该会轻松获胜。
walk on airidiom 极为兴奋;异常高兴
to feel extremely excited or happy
After the delivery of her baby, she was walking on air. 她生下了孩子之后兴奋异常。
walk right into somethingidiom 陷入,掉进(陷阱
If you walk right into something, you are caught or tricked by it because you did not know what was happening.
We set a trap and they walked right into it. 我们设了个圈套,他们径直就踩了进去。
walk the walkidiom 说做就做,付诸行动
to show that something is true by your actions rather than your words
We're at this meeting because we're environmentalists who walk the walk. 我们来参加这次会议,因为我们是做实事的环境保护主义者。
Compare: talk the talk
Phrasal verbs
walk away disapproving(从困境中)脱身,一走了之
to stop being involved in a situation because it is difficult to deal with or does not give you any advantages
You can't just walk away from a marriage at the first sign of a problem. 你不能婚姻稍有问题就想摆脱掉了事。
to escape an accident without being badly hurt
She overturned the car, but walked away from it without a scratch. 她翻了车,可是却平安无事,一点擦伤都没有。
walk away with something 轻松获);轻松赢得比赛
to win a prize or competition very easily
He walked away with all three gold medals. 他很轻松地拿到了全部3枚金牌。
walk back something 改变意见);收回(说法
to change an opinion that you had expressed before or admit that a statement you made was wrong
He has since walked back his opposition to the bill. 此后,他收回了对该法案的反对意见。
With massive video evidence, he walked back his claim that he was spat on. 在大量的视频证据面前,他收回了有人朝他吐口水的说法。
walk in on someone 走进屋里撞见某人
to go into a room and see what someone is doing, when they did not want to be seen
She walked in on me when I was getting undressed. 她进屋正好撞见我在脱衣服。
walk into something 轻松获得工作
to get a job very easily
She walked straight into a well-paid job after graduating from university. 她一离开大学便轻松获得了一份工资很高的工作。
walk off (somewhere) (因愤怒或不满而)离开(某地)
to leave a place because you are angry or unhappy about something
She threatened to walk off the film set because of the conditions. 她曾因工作条件问题而威胁要离开拍摄场地。
He refused to discuss it and just walked off in a huff. 他拒绝谈论这个问题并气冲冲地离开了。
walk something off 散步消除不适);散步缓解(头疼);散步消(食)
to walk in order to try and get rid of pain or an unpleasant feeling such as anger
I'm going out to walk off this headache. 我要出去散散步,缓解一下头痛。
She twisted her ankle and tried to walk it off, but it hurt too much. 她扭了脚,想要走走缓解一下,但是太痛了。
He managed to walk off his bad mood. 他去散了散步,缓解了坏心情。
walk off with something 轻松赢得…
to win something easily
She walked off with the top prize. 她轻松地拿到了头奖。
to steal something or take something without asking permission
Who's walked off with my cup? 谁把我的杯子偷走了?
walk out (因愤怒或反对而)退场,退席
to leave an event such as a meeting or performance because you are angry or disapprove of something
All the parents walked out (of the meeting) in protest. 所有的父母都退(出会)场以示抗议。
to suddenly leave your husband, wife, or partner and end your relationship with them
He walked out on his wife and two kids. 他突然抛下他的妻子和两个孩子出走了。
to stop working or leave your job because of a disagreement with your employer
Workers are threatening to walk out. 工人们威胁要进行罢工。
See also: walkout
walk through something (没有观众在场的)排练,彩排
to practise something, for example a performance, without an audience being present
Let's just walk through the scene one more time. 我们再排练一次吧。
More phrasal verbs
walk someone through something 耐心地给(某人)示范…;详细地教授(某人)…
to slowly and carefully explain something to someone or show someone how to do something
She walked me through the six-page document. 她耐心地给我解释了一遍这份长达6页的文件。
He'll walk you through the procedure. 他会详细地给你演示操作程序的。
noun uk/wɔːk/ us/wɑːk/
A2 [ C ]步行,行走
a journey that you make by walking, often for enjoyment
He went for/took a walk around the block, to get some air. 他绕着街区散了散步,呼吸些新鲜空气。
They went on a ten-mile walk to raise money for charity. 他们徒步走了十英里,为慈善事业募捐。
Every afternoon she takes her grandfather out for a walk. 每天下午她都带她的爷爷出去散步。
See also: boardwalk catwalkcrosswalk sidewalk spacewalk
C1 [ C ](用于散步的)小路,小道
a path or route where people can walk for enjoyment
Do you know any nice walks around here? 你知道这附近有什么散步的好地方吗?
[ S ]步态
a way of walking
He has a strange waddling sort of walk. 他走起路来一摇一摆,非常奇怪。
[ S ]步行速度
walking speed
She slowed the horses to a walk. 她让马放慢速度缓步而行。
a short, five-minute, ten-minute, etc. walk 步行很短/5分钟/10分钟(等等)的一段路
a journey that takes a short time, five minutes, ten minutes, etc. when you walk
The school is only a five-minute walk away. 学校离这里步行只有5分钟的路。
[ C ](棒球击球员因投手投出四个坏球而)自由上垒
in baseball, an occasion when a batter is allowed to go to first base after the pitcher has thrown the ball outside the hitting area four times
  • I went for a walk to try to sober up.
  • I always like to take a walk after lunch.
  • Shall we brave the snow and go for a walk ?
  • It says in the guide that this area of the countryside offers some of the best walks in England.
  • He neglects that poor dog - he never takes him for walks or gives him any attention.
a walk in the parkidiom 简单易做的事;做起来轻松愉快的事
something that is very easy to do, and usually pleasant
He's used to hard physical work - this is a walk in the park to him. 他很习惯于做重体力活儿——对他来说是小菜一碟。
walk of lifeidiom 各行各业;各个社会阶层
When people talk about walk(s) of life, they are referring to different types of jobs and different levels of society.
Members of the gym include lawyers, teachers, plumbers, and hairdressers - people from all (different) walks of life. 我们这个俱乐部里有律师,有教师,有建筑工人,有理发师——各行各业的人都有。




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