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词汇 hand
n.1. 手
This toy was made by hand.这个玩具是手工制做的。
I shook hands with the teacher.我和老师握手。
She had a new magazine in her hand.她手里拿着一本新杂志。
The letter was written by hand.这封信是手写的。
2. (钟表等的)指针
When the minute hand points to twelve and the hour hand points to three, it's three o'clock.当分针指在12而时针指在3的时候,是三点钟。
The big minute hand did not move.大分针不动了。
3. 书法;字迹
He writes a clear hand.他的字写得清清楚楚。
4. 一手牌5. 水手6. 工人7. 鼓掌
give a (good) hand to向…鼓掌
get a (big) hand得到…鼓掌
8. 触摸力的程度
have a light hand手轻
have a heavy hand手重
9. 帮助
give a hand to帮忙做(某事)
10. 控制
get out of hand摆脱控制
at first hand得自直接的体验;从有直接经验的人那里获知
at hand近处;即将到来
bring up by hand亲手喂养
get one's hand in使技能保持熟练
get the upper hand占上风
hand in glove关系密切;共谋
hand in hand关系密切地;手拉着手地
Power and money go hand in hand.权和钱密不可分。
The children walk down the street hand in hand.孩子们手拉手地在街上走。
Dirt and disease go hand in hand.肮脏与疾病是密切相关的。
have one's hands full手头工作很忙
on every hand四面八方,四周
on the one hand一方面
on the other hand另一方面
I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying.我想去参加聚会,但从另一方面来说,我应该留下来学习。
out of hand立即
throw in one's hand承认失败;退出竞选
turn one's hand从事,着手做
vt.(常与in, to, over连用)传递;交给
Hand me the plate, please.请把盘子递给我。
Hand in your dictations, please.请把你们的听写交来。
Please hand in your exercise books at the end of the lesson.下课时请你们把练习本子交上来。
Hand me that file please.请把那宗案卷递给我。
hand it to (sb.)表示佩服,甘拜下风
You have to hand it to her; she's a good talker.你必须看到她的优点,她很健谈。
hand down传给后代 (= hand on, pass down)
This pair of bracelets were handed down from my greatgrandmother.这副手镯是我曾祖母传下来的。
hand on1. 传递
Please read this and hand it on.请你读后加以传阅。
Please read this notice and hand it on.请把这张通知看一下,并传阅。
2. 把…传下来 (= hand down)
hand over移交;让与
to hand over command of a ship移交军舰的指挥权
The pickpocket was handed over to the police.扒手被送交警方。




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