

词汇 board
n.1. 木板2. (供某种特殊用途的)板
drawing board制图板
chess board棋盘
darts board掷镖靶
dread board砧板
3. 膳食费用
board and lodging膳宿费
Each student has to pay $100 a month for board and lodging.每个学生每月需付一百美元的膳宿费。
4. 委员会;理事会;董事会
Our company has 3 women on its board of directors.我们公司董事会里有三位女性。
His uncle is now on the Board.他叔叔现在是董事。
The board of the directors unanimously agreed that Mr White was the best candidate for the job.董事会一致同意怀特先生是干这项工作的最佳候选人。
5. (pl)戏剧;舞台
He has been on the boards all his life.他终身从事戏剧事业。
above board光明正大
across the board包括所有团体或成员
A wage rise of 10 pounds a week across the board.全体成员每人每周加薪10镑。
go by the board(计划、安排等)失败,落空
on board在船上,在公共交通工具内
We went on board the ship.我们登上了轮船。
Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened.飞机上的人都很着急,而且我们急于想了解出了什么事。
sweep the board赢得一切;几乎全胜
Our team swept the board in the sports games.我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
vt., vi.1. 用木板盖
Let's board the side door up.让我们用板把边门钉上。
2. 上船;坐船;搭乘(公共交通工具)
He boarded the bus.他上了公共汽车。
3. 包饭;供膳,供膳宿
She arranged to board some students from the university.她供一些大学生膳宿。




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