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词汇 black
adj.1. 黑色的
a black dog黑狗
They demanded that the agreement be written in black and white.他们要求将这份协议用白纸黑字写下来。
The boy had a black eye after the fight.男孩打架之后,眼眶被打成青黑色。
2. 不加牛奶或奶油的(咖啡)3. 黑色人种的
a black scientist黑人科学家
He was black.他是个黑人。
4. 弄脏了的
Your hands are black!你手太脏了!
5. 很糟的(情绪、消息等)
It's a black day for us.今天我们不走运。
He was the black sheep of the family after he had got involved in the bank robbery.在他被牵累进银行抢劫案后,就成了全家的败家子。
6. 愠怒的
a black look怒目而视
He gave me a black look. (喻)他恶狠狠地看了我一眼。
7. 邪恶的
8. 苦中作乐的
black humor黑色幽默
black comedy黑色喜剧
9. 秘密级的
black programs秘密级的程序
black contracts秘密级的合同
n.1. 黑色
dressed in black穿黑色衣服
After her husband died, Mrs Jones dressed in black for six months.琼斯太太的丈夫死后,她穿黑衣服守丧六个月。
2. 黑人
in the black(银行存款)有盈余
Our account is nicely in the black this month.我们的帐上本月颇有盈余。
vt.1. 使黑
to black sb.'s eye把某人的眼睛打得发青
2. 宣布(承揽货物或与某公司的交易等)不合规定
black out1. 涂黑;遮掩
The date on the letter had been blacked out.信上的日期被涂掉了。
You have to black out all the windows to develop films.要使底片显影你得用黑布遮住窗户以免透光。
2. 昏厥
After the accident she blacked out and couldn't remember what had happened.在事故发生后她昏了过去,记不起发生过什么事。




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