

词汇 shoot
vt., vi.shot, shooting1. 发射,射出(子弹、箭)
The new soldier shot at the target, but missed it again.新兵瞄准靶子射击,但又没有射中。
2. 开枪;开炮;开火
He shot the bird with his gun.他用枪打鸟。
3. 枪击;枪杀;射中
The three prisoners were shot.三个囚犯被枪毙了。
4. (常与out, along, forth连用)开枪杀出(一条血路)
He shot his way out of prison.他一路开枪,逃出监狱。
5. 被子弹打掉;被炮弹炸掉
He had his arm shot off.他的胳膊被炮弹炸掉。
6. (开枪般地)提出,发出
They shot angry glances at us.他们对我们投以愤怒的眼色。
7. 掠过;疾驰;突然传过
The meteor shot across the sky.陨星迅速掠过天空。
He shot out of school when the bell rang.当铃声响了时,他飞快地跑出学校。
8. 〈足球〉射门;〈篮球〉投球,上篮9. 拍照,拍摄,摄影
This story was shot quickly.这个故事片拍得挺快。
10. (常与out连用)开枪结束争吵11. 突进;迅速经过
to shoot the bridge迅速穿过桥
12. 关开(门闩);(门闩)开关13. (常与up连用)注射(毒品)
shoot down1. 开枪打死2. 击落(飞机)3. 驳倒,彻底否定
shoot off1. 开枪打掉2. 夸夸其谈
shoot up1. 迅速生长,迅速成长2. 迅速上生3. 胡乱开枪制造恐怖
n.1. 嫩枝;新芽2. 狩猎; 射击比赛;射击训练




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