

词汇 bar
bar 1
n.1. 门闩;横木2. 障碍;阻碍物
His bad English is a bar to his using new computer software. (喻)他的英语很差,这是他运用新电脑软件的一个障碍。
3. 条状物
a bar of soap一条肥皂
4. 沙洲5. (颜色或光的)条纹,束6. (乐谱上的)小节,小节线7. 售酒的柜台; 酒吧
behind bars在监狱服刑
the prisoner at the bar在法庭中受审者
vt.-rr-1. 用闩关住
He barred the door.他闩上了门。
2. 把…关在门里或门外
Those naughty boys barred themselves in for fun.那些淘气的孩子们把自己关在里面闹着玩。
3. 阻挡
to bar the way挡住去路
4. 禁止
He has been barred from playing for one year because of his using excitant.他因服用兴奋剂被罚停赛已有一年了。
We bar smoking here.我们这里禁止吸烟。
Guns are barred in Alice's restaurant.爱丽丝餐馆内禁止携带枪械。
5. 用条纹图案装饰
bar none无例外
bar 2
n.〈气〉巴(气压单位,多用毫巴, 1毫巴等于0.75毫米水银柱的压力)




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