

词汇 strain
strain 1
vt., vi.1. 拉紧,扯紧
They strained on the rope to pull the boat in.他们拉紧绳子以便使船靠岸。
2. 竭尽全力
to strain one's eye竭尽全力看
3. 努力,奋力4. 损伤,损耗
I strained my back when I lifted the box.我抬箱子的时候扭了背。
5. 紧抱,紧握
She strained the boy to her bosom.她把孩子紧紧搂在怀里。
6. 滤
There are tea leaves in my cup - you haven't strained the tea.我的杯子里有茶叶,你没有滤过茶。
n.1. 拉紧;拉力;张力2. 紧张
Do you suffer from the strain of modern life你苦于现代生活的紧张吗?
3. (身体的)扭伤,拉伤4. 曲调;旋律5. 语调; 笔调;措词;谈吐
in a dismal strain以一种忧郁的语调
strain 2
n.1. (植物的)种类2. (动物的)血统3. (家族遗传的)气质,素质,性情




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