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词汇 twist
verb uk/twɪst/ us/twɪst/
C2 [ I or T ]转动,旋转;缠绕,盘绕
to turn something, especially repeatedly, or to turn or wrap one thing around another
The path twists and turns for over a mile. 这条小路弯弯曲曲,长达1英里多。
She sat there nervously twisting the ring around on her finger. 她紧张地坐在那儿,不停地转着手指上的戒指。
She twisted her head (round) so she could see what was happening. 她扭过头来,想看看发生了什么事。
Twist the rope tightly round that post over there. 把绳子紧紧缠在那根柱子上。
C1 [ T ]扭伤(脚踝等)
If you twist a part of your body, such as your ankle, you injure it by suddenly turning it.
She slipped on the ice and twisted her knee. 她在冰上滑了一跤,结果扭伤了膝盖。
  • "How do I get the top off this bottle?" "Push it down and twist it anti-clockwise."
  • She fell awkwardly when she was skiing and twisted her ankle.
  • After twisting and turning for a while, he managed to wriggle free.
  • We twisted the pieces of wire together.
  • He used supernatural powers to twist metal.
C2 [ T ] disapproving曲解,歪曲
to change information so that it gives the message you want it to give, especially in a way that is dishonest
This report shows how she twisted the truth to claim successes where none, in fact, existed. 这份报告表明她歪曲事实,她所宣称的那些成就其实根本不存在。
You're twisting my words - that's not what I said at all. 你在歪曲我的话——我根本不是那样说的。
twist someone's armidiom 强迫某人),向(某人)施加压力
to persuade someone to do something they do not want to do
I didn't want to go but Linda twisted my arm. 我并不想去,可琳达非要我去不可。
twist someone around your little fingeridiom (UK also twist someone round your little finger) 任意摆布,任意左右(通常指十分喜欢自己的人)
to be able to persuade someone to do anything you want, usually because they like you so much
He'd do anything for you. You've got him twisted around your little finger. 他会为你做一切。你已经完全可以左右他。
noun uk/twɪst/ us/twɪst/
[ C ]扭动,转动
an act of twisting something
She gave the cap another twist to make sure it was tight. 她又拧了一下盖子,以确保盖紧了。
an Elvis-style twist of the hips 猫王式的臀部扭动
[ C ]螺旋状);麻花状);辫子形
the shape of or a piece of something that has been twisted
a twist of hair 麻花辫
a twist of lemon 柠檬片卷
[ C ]急转弯
a tight bend
a path with many twists and turns 蜿蜒曲折的小路
  • Have you heard the latest twist in the saga of Gary's divorce?
  • All his stories have an unexpected twist at the end.
  • By a strange twist of fate, were both in New York on that day.
[ C ]变化转折改变
a change in the way in which something happens
The story took a surprise twist today with media reports that the doctor had resigned. 媒体报道该医生已经辞职,从而使事情在今天有了惊人的转折。
The incident was the latest twist in the continuing saga of fraud and high scandal in banks and stock brokerages. 此事件是银行和股票经纪公司持续不断的诈骗和高层丑闻的最新发展。
But for a cruel twist of fate/fortune, he could now be running his own business. 要不是时运不济,他现在可能正在经营自己的公司了。
There's an unexpected twist in/to the plot towards the end of the film. 电影结尾部分的情节出人意料。
[ C ]复杂的形势复杂的行动计划
a complicated situation or plan of action
the twists and turns of fate 命运的曲折变化
It has proved very difficult to unravel the twists and turns and contradictions of the evidence. 事实已经证明,要理清复杂且矛盾丛生的证据的确不容易。
the twist[ S ] 扭摆舞
a dance in which people stay in one place and twist their bodies from side to side to music
be/go round the twistidiom UK old-fashioned (also send someone round the twist) 使)愤怒,(使)发怒;(使)疯癫,(使发疯
to be, become, or make someone else become angry or unable to behave in a reasonable way
If I'd stayed there any longer, I'd have gone round the twist. 如果我在那儿再多呆一会儿,我会发疯的。




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