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词汇 to raise/ring/set off/sound alarm bells
to raise/ring/set off/sound alarm bells phrase
(also to ring/sound an alarm bell, to set (the) alarm bells ringing)敲响警钟;引起警觉
to cause worry because of being a sign that there may be a serious problem
Her statement should have rung alarm bells but nobody took the precaution of checking the facts. 她的陈述本应敲响警钟,但没有人采取预防措施去核查事实。
Regardless of where the bacteria came from, the test results should sound an alarm bell. 无论细菌来自何处,检测结果都应该引起警觉。
This move is likely to raise alarm bells with the French government. 此举可能会给法国政府敲响警钟。
This takeover bid is bound to sound alarm bells at other tech companies.
Her description of her symptoms set alarm bells ringing. 她对症状的描述引起了警觉。
See also: alarm bell




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