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词汇 taste
noun uk/teɪst/ us/teɪst/
B1 [ C or U ]味道;味觉
the flavour of something, or the ability of a person or animal to recognize different flavours
I love the taste of garlic. 我喜欢蒜味。
Olives are usually an acquired taste (= you only like them after you have become familiar with their taste). 橄榄的味道可能要慢慢习惯后才会喜欢。
When you have a cold you often lose your sense of taste. 感冒的时候常常尝不出味道。
See also: aftertaste
a taste for somethingC2 喜欢…,享受…
the fact of liking or enjoying something
She came home from Europe with a taste for art and the finer things in life. 她从欧洲回来后就喜欢上了艺术和享受生活中其他精美的东西。
[ S ]少许,一点儿
a small amount of food
Have a taste of the sauce and tell me if it needs salt. 尝尝酱汁,看看是否需要加盐。
  • When preparing meals, you need to think about variety and taste as well as nutritional value.
  • Lemons have a sharp taste.
  • This wine has a light, fresh taste.
  • Aniseed has a very distinctive taste - I don't like it personally.
  • We value herbs for their taste, but we forget that they also have medicinal properties.
B2 [ C or U ]个人的)兴趣,爱好
a person's approval of and liking for particular things
I'm not really into new cars - old vintage cars are more to my taste (= what I like). 我一向不怎么喜欢新车——倒是更喜欢老式汽车。
B2 [ U ] approving鉴赏力,审美力;品位
a person's ability to judge and recognize what is good or suitable, especially relating to such matters as art, style, beauty, and behaviour
He has terrible taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like. 他的品位极差,你大概可以想象出他家是什么样子。
His taste in clothes leaves a little to be desired. 他的着装品位实在不怎么样。
tastesB2 [ plural ] 爱好,(个人喜欢的事物
the things a person likes
I have expensive tastes (= I like expensive things). 我看来是喜欢奢华的东西。
  • She has a rather esoteric taste in clothes.
  • She's always had execrable taste in men.
  • She has exquisite taste.
  • They've got those curtains that tie up with big bows - they're a bit fussy for my taste.
  • I don't think garden gnomes are in very good taste.
B2 [ S ]短暂的体验
a short experience of something
I had a taste of office work during the summer and that was enough. 夏天我体验了一下在办公室工作的滋味,可真够我受的。
be in good, the best possible, etc. tasteidiom C2 得体/高雅(等等)的
to be acceptable in a way that will not upset or anger people
Most of my uncle's jokes are not in good taste. 我叔叔讲的笑话大部分都不得体。
be in bad, poor, the worst possible, etc. tasteidiom C2 不得体/粗俗(等等)的
to be unacceptable in a way that will upset or anger people
He told a joke about death that I thought was in poor taste considering that Steve's father had just died. 他讲了一个关于死亡的笑话,我觉得很不得体,因为史蒂夫的父亲刚去世不久。
verb [ T ] uk/teɪst/ us/teɪst/
B1 尝…的味道
to put food or drink in your mouth to find out what flavour it has
Taste this sauce and tell me if it needs seasoning. 尝尝酱汁,看看要不要加佐料。
What is this? I've never tasted anything like it. 这究竟是什么东西?我从没吃过这种东西。
taste good, bad, sweet, etc.B1 吃起来好吃/难吃/甜(等等
to have a particular flavour
This sauce tastes strange. 这种酱汁味道很怪。
This coffee tastes like dishwater! 这咖啡的味道简直像洗碗水!
UK The bread tastes of onions. 这面包有股洋葱味。
  • Taste the stew to see if it has enough salt.
  • How do you know you don't like it if you won't even taste it?
  • We all tasted the cake.
  • If you've ever tasted Carmen's cooking, you'll know what I mean.
  • She drew off a little of her home-made wine just to taste.
to experience something for a short time
Once you've tasted luxury it's very hard to settle for anything else. 你一旦体验过奢侈的滋味,就很难将就了。




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