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词汇 fold
fold 1
vt., vi.1. (常与back, over, down连用)折叠,叠起,折起
She folded the letter so that it would fit into her bag.他把信折起来,以便可以装到袋里。
In the army camp the quilts are usually folded in this manner.在军营中被子通常是这样折叠的。
She folded the letter in half and put it into her pocket.她把信对折起来孩放进了口袋。
2. (常与away, up连用)叠紧3. (与about, round连用)交叉;交叠:
to fold one's arms交叉双臂
to fold one's hands交叉手指
The cat folded its tail round its front feet.猫把尾巴弯到前腿。
He folded his arms and lowered down his head as usual before he was in deep thought .跟平常一样在他陷入沉思之前他把双臂交叉起来,低下了头。
4. 包
Fold a piece of paper round the flowers.用一张纸把花包起来。
The farmer folded the seeds in a piece of paper.农民用纸把那些种子包起来。
5. 可折叠
Does this table fold?这桌子能折叠吗?
6. (常与up连用)失败
The business has folded (up).这家商店倒闭了。
The window frame folded up under the heavy weight of the beam.窗框在大梁的重压下垮掉了。
7. (与in连用)拌入;混合
n.1. 折层;折页
fold of the dress衣服的折层
2. 折痕
to iron folds out of a dress把衣服的折痕烫平
3. 包起来形成的内部空间4. 山坳,山谷5. 〈地〉褶皱
fold 2
return to the fold浪子回头




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