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词汇 suspension
noun uk/səˈspen.ʃən/ us/səˈspen.ʃən/
[ U ]暂停,中止
the act of stopping something happening, operating, etc. for a period of time
The suspension of fighting is to take effect at 6 a.m. on Monday. 停战协定于周一早上6点生效。
There have been calls for the drug's immediate suspension, following reports that it has dangerous side effects. 有报道指出这种药物有危险的副作用后,人们呼吁立即停止使用该药。
[ C or U ](作为处罚的)暂令停职暂令停学暂令停止活动
a punishment in which a person is temporarily not allowed to work, go to school, or take part in an activity
The union is protesting about the suspension of a restaurant worker. 工会因一名饭店员工被停职而在进行抗议。
The player is likely to receive a three-game suspension following an incident in yesterday's game. 这位球员可能会因为昨天比赛中发生的事件而被停赛3场。
  • There were calls for the suspension of parliament.
  • The suspension of hostilities allowed both sides to come to the negotiating table.
  • Staff are furious about a suspension of their flexible working scheme.
  • The school allows a partial suspension of its rules on the last day of term.
[ U ]车辆的)悬架,减震装置
equipment attached to the wheels of a vehicle that reduces the uncomfortable effects of going over road surfaces that are not even
[ C ]悬浮液
a liquid in which small pieces of solid are contained, but not dissolved
a suspension of fine cornflour in corn oil 悬浮在玉米油中的精玉米粉




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