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词汇 enough
determiner, pronoun, adverb uk/ɪˈnʌf/ us/əˈnʌf/
A2 充分充足
as much as is necessary; in the amount or to the degree needed
Is there enough dessert/Are there enough desserts for everyone? 甜点够大家吃吗?
There are 25 textbooks per class. That should be enough. 每个班25本教材,应该够了。
Have you had enough (to eat)? 你(吃)饱了吗?
I know enough about art to recognize a masterpiece when I see one. 我的艺术造诣足以使我看到一幅杰作就能辩认出来。
He's tall enough to change the bulb without getting on a chair. 他个头够高,不用踩椅子就可以换灯泡。
B2 足够过多
as much as or more than is wanted
[ + to infinitive ] I've got enough work to do at the moment, without being given any more. 即使不再给我加活,目前的工作也够我应付一阵的了。
Half an hour in his company is quite enough! 在他公司呆上半小时就能让人烦透了!
Stop. You've made enough of a (= a lot of) mess already. 别闹了,你已经弄得一团糟了。
You've drunk more than enough (= too much) already. 你已经喝多了。
I've seen/heard enough now (= I do not want to see/hear any more). 我已经看/听够了。
I've had enough of your excuses (= I want them to stop). 我已经听够了你的借口。
Enough of this! I don't want to discuss it any more. 够了!我不想再讨论这个了。
Enough already! (= No more!) 够了!(不要了!)
enough is enough 够了,行了,适可而止
something you say when you want something to stop
Enough is enough - I don't want to argue with you any more. 行了行了,我不想再跟你争了。
Our business has been absorbing the price rises, but enough is enough. We can't go on like this.
Nurses have frequently extended their shifts, but now they are saying enough is enough.
We have lived with quarries causing pollution and dust for years, but enough is enough.
Okay, Janice. Enough is enough. No more lying.
enough said informal 不必再讲,无需多说
something you say to tell someone that you understand what they have said and that there is no need to say any more
"Someone has to explain the situation to her." "Enough said." “得有人向她说明一下情况。”“已经说得够多了。”
"There are some, er, objections to her appointment." "Oh yes, enough said."
She thinks the moon is made of cheese - enough said.
"Put it this way: she can afford her own private jet." "Enough said."
"He thinks all vegetarians are left-wing idiots." "Enough said."
have had enoughC1 受够了烦透了再也无法忍受了
to want something to stop because it is annoying you
I've had enough - I'm going home. 我受够了——我要回家了。
The coach had had enough. "Get your stuff and go home!" he yelled.
The children had been playing up all day and she'd had enough.
Dad is usually very patient, but even he has had enough.
We've been living with these problems for months now and we've had enough.
that's enough 不要那样,够了(用于制止不好的行为)
used to tell someone to stop behaving badly
That's enough, Peter. Give those toys back, please. 够了,彼得。把那些玩具还回去,听话。
"Hush," said grandma. "That's enough now."
Lola, Rachel, that's enough! I'm fed up with your arguing.
That's enough! We'll never resolve this if you can't be civil.
That's enough! I won't tolerate any more of this behaviour!
  • My concern is that you're not getting enough work done.
  • There isn't enough contact between teachers and parents.
  • He didn't allow us enough time to finish the test.
  • Are there enough pencils for everyone?
  • I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling a bit grumpy.
adverb uk/ɪˈnʌf/ us/əˈnʌf/
A2 (用于形容词、副词或动词后)足够地
used after an adjective, adverb, or verb to mean to the necessary degree
Is the water hot enough yet? 水够热吗?
I don't think he's really experienced enough for this sort of job. 我认为做这类工作他经验不是太足。
She told me it was brand new and I was stupid enough to believe her. 她跟我说这是崭新的,我也真够傻,竟然信了她。
formal Would you be good enough to take my suitcase upstairs for me? 你可以帮我把包拎到楼上吗?
used after an adjective or adverb to mean quite
He's bad enough, but his brother is far worse. 他够坏的了,可他哥哥比他还要坏得多。
She's gone away for six months, but strangely/oddly/funnily enough (= surprisingly), her boyfriend doesn't seem too unhappy about it. 她离开都6个月了,可奇怪的是,她男朋友好像并没有因此不开心。
  • You don't chew your food enough - that's why you get indigestion.
  • We're not doing enough to protect the environment from pollution.
  • You won't be warm enough in that flimsy dress.
  • Barry seems happy enough working for himself.
  • Will the rope be strong enough to hold my weight?




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