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词汇 star
noun uk/stɑːr/ us/stɑːr/
A2 [ C ]恒星
a very large ball of burning gas in space that is usually seen from the earth as a point of light in the sky at night
Stars twinkled above them as they lay on the hill. 他们躺在小山上,头顶繁星闪烁。
  • Elaine looked up at the black, velvety sky studded with tiny, twinkling stars.
  • The stars twinkled in the clear sky.
  • We could see hundreds of stars in the clear desert sky.
  • The sky glimmered with stars.
  • Those seven bright stars make the shape of a saucepan.
A2 [ C ]明星
a very famous, successful, and important person, especially a performer such as a musician, actor, or sports player
a rock/movie/football star 摇滚歌星/影星/足球明星
Kids wanting to be stars come to Hollywood from all over America. 想当明星的年轻人从美国各地来到好莱坞。
See also: co-star nounsuperstar
  • the stars of the silver screen
  • There will be many stars performing in the Royal Ballet's Gala Night, held in aid of children's charities.
  • She is one of the rising stars in the political firmament.
  • A number of stars from the world of music attended the event.
  • The 23-year-old tennis star looks unbeatable this season.
A2 [ C ]星形;星状物
a symbol with five or more points
star-shaped 星形的
How many stars (= symbols showing quality) does this restaurant have? 这家饭店是几星级的?
The teacher gave Tom a gold star (= a paper symbol rewarding good work) for his drawing. 老师给了汤姆一颗金星,表扬他的画画得好。
two-star, three-star, etc.C1 (用来表示餐馆、旅馆等的服务水平)两星/三星等等
used to show how good a restaurant, hotel, etc. is
The cheaper two-star hotels are also within the range of the budget traveller. 廉价两星旅馆的价格也在平价旅行者的预算范围内。
a symbol made of metal or cloth worn by particular officials to show their rank
a sheriff's star 治安官的星章
a four-star general 四星上将
[ C ]星号 (*)
an asterisk (= a symbol *)
  • The US flag has 50 stars on it.
  • She was wearing a T-shirt with a star on the front.
  • She sent me that Christmas card with the star on it.
  • There are little stars all over her bedroom ceiling.
  • I bought some wallpaper with stars on it for the spare bedroom.
[ C ] informal星宿,星相,命星(占星术中认为影响个人运气的星体)
any planet or other object in the sky thought of in astrology as influencing a person's luck
She was born under a lucky/an unlucky star. 她生来命就好/不好。
See also: star sign
stars[ plural ] informal 星相;星座
→  horoscope
I always like to see what the stars say in the newspaper. 我总是喜欢看报纸的星相版说些什么。
you're a star!idiom informal (表示感激某人)你真是个大好人!
something you say to someone when they have been nice and helpful to you
verb [ I + prep, T ] uk/stɑːr/ us/stɑːr/ -rr-
B1 (电影、戏剧等)某人)担任主演;主演,担任主角
If a film, play, etc. stars someone, or if someone stars in a film, play, etc., they are the main actor in it.
David Oyelowo starred in the movie "Selma". 戴维•奥伊洛沃主演了电影《塞尔玛》。
Zusak's novel "The Book Thief" was turned into a movie starring Geoffrey Rush. 苏萨克的小说《偷书贼》被改编成电影,由杰佛里•拉什领衔主演。
Compare: feature verb
  • Ingrid Bergman starred with Humphrey Bogart in the movie 'Casablanca'.
  • Last year he starred in the movie adaptation of Bill Cronshaw's best-selling novel.
  • The movie stars Mark Burgess-Ashton as the gung-ho young fighter pilot.
  • The movie stars Kathleen Turner as the hard-boiled detective of Sarah Paretsky's novel.
  • Russell Crowe stars as a grief-stricken avenger on the trail of his family's killers.
adjective [ before noun ] informal uk/stɑːr/ us/stɑːr/
C1 最好的,最出色的;最重要的
best or most important
Natalie is, without a doubt, the star student in this year's ballet class. 毫无疑问,纳塔莉是今年芭蕾班中最出色的学员。
This afternoon the prosecution will call its star witness. 今天下午控方将传召其最重要的证人。
Compare: leadingstellar
suffix uk/ -stɑːr/ us/ -stɑːr/
a measurement of quality, usually in numbers from one to five with one being the lowest
A three-star hotel is better than a two-star. 三星级酒店比二星的要好。




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