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词汇 share
verb uk/ʃeər/ us/ʃer/
A2 [ I or T ]分享;共用
to have or use something at the same time as someone else
She's very possessive about her toys and finds it hard to share. 她对自己的玩具占有欲太强,很难跟别人分享。
Bill and I shared an office for years. 比尔和我同在一个办公室里工作了多年。
I share a house with four other people. 我和另外4个人合住一所房子。
A2 [ I or T ]分配
to divide food, money, goods, etc. and give part of it to someone else
Will you share your sandwich with me? 你能把你的三明治分给我一点儿吗?
Let's share the sweets (out) among/between everyone. 我们大家一起来分这些糖果吧。
We should share (in) the reward. 我们应分享这份奖励。
B2 [ I or T ]分担;共同做
If two or more people share an activity, they each do some of it.
Shall we share the driving? 我们轮流开车好吗?
We shared the preparation for the party between us, so it wasn't too much work. 我们一起分担聚会的准备工作,这样工作就没有多少了。
B1 [ I or T ]有同样的感觉(或性质、经历)
If two or more people or things share a feeling, quality, or experience, they both or all have the same feeling, quality, or experience.
We share an interest in sailing. 我们都对航海感兴趣。
All hospitals share some common characteristics. 所有的医院都有一些共同的特征。
I don't share your views/beliefs. 我和你观点/信仰不同。
The management and the union both share in the responsibility for the crisis. 管理方和工会双方对此次危机都负有责任。
She knew that he was the person she wanted to share her life with. 她知道他就是自己想与之共度一生的那个人。
C1 [ T ]倾诉,吐露
to tell someone else about your thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc.
He's not very good at sharing his worries. 他不善于向别人倾诉自己的烦恼。
It's nice to have someone you can share your problems with. 有人能给你分忧解愁真是太好了。
Come on, Bob, share the joke (with us). 来,鲍勃,(给我们)讲讲这个笑话。
[ T ](在社交媒体上)分享
to put something on a social media website so that other people can see it, or to let other people see something that someone else has put on a website
You might even recommend an article to other readers or share it on Facebook. 你甚至可以向其他读者推荐一篇文章,或者在脸书上分享给大家。
  • We'll share the cost between us.
  • I hate having to share a bathroom.
  • I don't share my boyfriend's love of sport.
  • They share the same high ideals.
  • We share an interest in gardening.
a problem shared is a problem halvedidiom saying 有人分担,忧愁减半。
used to say that if you tell someone about a problem, it is easier to deal with
share and share alikeidiom 平均分享
used to encourage everyone to have an equal amount of something
Don't keep all those chocolates to yourself - share and share alike. 别把那些巧克力都留给你自己一个人吃——让大家都一起分享吧。
noun uk/ʃeər/ us/ʃer/
B2 [ C or U ]一份,份额
a part of something that has been divided between several people
The total bill comes to €80, so our share is €20. 账单总共是80欧元,所以我们该分担20欧元。
We ought to make sure that everyone gets equal shares of the food. 我们必须保证每个人得到份额相等的食物。
His share of the vote rose by 15 percentage points among Hispanics. 他在西班牙裔选民中的得票份额增长了15个百分点。
B2 [ C or U ]部分
a part of something that several people are involved in
She's not doing her share of the work. 她没有尽自己分内工作。
We must all accept some share of the responsibility. 我们都必须承担部分责任。
  • Our share of the market has decreased sharply this year.
  • We are aiming for a 50 percent share of the German market.
  • I'm willing to do my fair share of the work.
  • The party's share of the vote rose from 11 percent in the last election to 21 percent this time.
  • I took my share of the profits.
C2 [ C ]股票;股份
one of the equal parts that the ownership of a company is divided into, and that can be bought by members of the public
The value of my shares has risen/fallen by eight percent. 我的股票市值增长/下降了8%。
We have some shares in Apple. 我们有一些苹果公司的股票。
He invests in stocks and shares. 他投资于股票。
share prices 股价
  • She buys and sells stocks and shares.
  • They bought some shares on the London stock exchange.
  • Following a tip-off from a friend, we sold all our shares in the company.
  • On London's Stock Exchange, 18.5 million shares were traded yesterday.
  • The company's shares are now virtually worthless.
[ C ](在社交媒体上的)分享
an occasion when someone shares something on a social media website
Her post has had over a thousand shares on Facebook. 她的帖子在脸书上已经有超过一千次分享。
go sharesidiom old-fashioned 分担;分摊费用
to divide something such as a cost between you
Why don't we go shares on lunch? 要不我们分摊午餐费用吧?
have your (fair) share of somethingidiom C2 遭遇许多(或过多)(坏事情)
to have a lot or more than enough of something bad
We certainly have our share of problems at the moment. 我们眼下无疑有很多问题。
She's had her fair share of tragedies in her life. 她这一生中有过太多的不幸。




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