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词汇 stand by someone
stand by someone
phrasal verb with stand verb uk/stænd/ us/stænd/ stood | stood
B2 站在某人)一边,继续支持(或帮助)
to continue to support or help someone who is in a difficult situation
She has vowed to stand by her husband during his trial. 她发誓在丈夫受审期间会一直支持他。
  • She stood by him through his troubled career.
  • He stood by her through the difficult times.
  • He's my mate and I'm going to stand by him.
  • You have to stand by your friends through thick and through thin.
  • He promised to stand by her if she chose to have the baby.
stand by
phrasal verb with stand verb uk/stænd/ us/stænd/ stood | stood
to be waiting and ready to do something or to help
Cabin crew, please stand by for take-off. 乘务人员,请做好起飞准备。
See also: standby (READY)
  • Police in riot gear were standing by in case the demonstration got out of control.
  • The pilot told the cabin crew to stand by for take-off.
  • I'll be standing by in case you need me for anything.
  • Could you stand by in case I need help?
  • Fire fighters were standing by in case of emergencies.
to allow something unpleasant to happen without doing anything to stop it
We can't stand by while millions of people starve. 数百万人在忍饥挨饿,我们不能袖手旁观。
See also: bystander
stand by something
phrasal verb with stand verb uk/stænd/ us/stænd/ stood | stood
to continue doing what you said you would when you made a decision, agreement, or promise
Despite its financial problems, the company is standing by the no-redundancy agreement. 公司尽管遇到了财务问题,但仍然信守不裁员的协议。
to continue to believe that something you have said before is still true
I stand by the statement I made earlier - there is no reason for the minister to resign. 我坚持早些时候的表态——部长没有理由要辞职。




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