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词汇 some
determiner ukstrong /sʌm/ ukweak /səm/ usstrong /sʌm/ usweak /səm/
A1 一些,若干
an amount or number of something that is not stated or not known; a part of something
There's some cake in the kitchen if you'd like it. 想吃蛋糕的话,厨房有一些。
Here's some news you might be interested in. 这里有些消息,或许你会感兴趣。
We've been having some problems with our TV over the last few weeks. 最近几周我们的电视一直有些问题。
Could you give me some idea of when the construction work will finish? 你能否告诉我建筑工程何时完工?
I've got to do some more work before I can go out. 我还要再做完一些工作才能出去。
  • I've just had some chocolate.
  • Add some fresh parsley, finely chopped.
  • I need to get some fresh air to clear my head .
  • Steven gave me some good advice.
  • We had some friends round for dinner on Saturday.
B2 uk/sʌm/ us/sʌm/相当多,大量
a large amount or number of something
It'll be some time before we meet again. 我们要等上相当长的时间才能再见面。
It was some years later when they next met. 过了很多年他们才又见面。
We discussed the problem at some length. 这个问题我们讨论了很长时间。
  • It'll be some time before we get to eat again.
  • It took some effort to get the thing upstairs.
  • In the end she agreed but she took some persuading.
  • Will you phone me back - it's a matter of some importance.
  • Green's new world record will take some beating.
C1 uk/sʌm/ us/sʌm/某个(人或物)
used to refer to a particular person or thing without stating exactly which one
Some lucky person will win more than $1,000,000 in the competition. 某个幸运者将在比赛中赢得100多万美元的奖金。
Some idiot's locked the door! 哪个笨蛋把门锁上了!
There must be some way you can relieve the pain. 你一定有办法缓解疼痛。
  • Some fool switched it off.
  • Some girl rang for you but she didn't say her name.
  • Some bright spark thought it would be a good idea to let the animals out.
  • There must be some way you can get it to work.
  • There must be some way you can get the documents back.
informal uk/sʌm/ us/sʌm/(用于名词前,尤用于句首,表示恼火或反对)
used before a noun, especially at the beginning of a sentence to show anger or disapproval, often by repeating a word that was not accurately used
Some people just don't know when to shut up. 有些人就是不知道什么时候该闭上嘴。
Some help you were! You sat on your backside most of the afternoon! 你这算什么帮忙!你大半个下午都安安稳稳地坐着!
"A friend of mine sold me a radio that doesn't work." "Some friend!" “一个朋友竟卖给我一台坏了的收音机。”“算什么朋友!”
informal uk/sʌm/ us/sʌm/好的,优秀的
used before a noun to show how good something or someone is
Wow, that was some dinner! 哇,那真是一顿美餐!
and then someidiom informal 甚至更多
and even more
There were 20,000 people and then some at the demonstration. 参加示威游行的人看起来有两万人,甚至更多。
some ... or otheridiom (表示不确知或未详细说明)某个
used to refer to one of several possibilities when the exact one is not known or not stated
They found the painting in some antique shop or other. 他们在某个古玩店里发现了这幅画。
pronoun ukstrong /sʌm/ ukweak /səm/ usstrong /sʌm/ usweak /səm/
A1 一些,若干,一部分
an amount or number of something that is not stated or not known; a part of something
If you need more paper then just take some. 如果你需要更多的纸,那就再拿一些。
"Would you like to have dinner with us?" "No thanks, I've already had some." “你想和我们一起用餐吗?”“不,谢谢,我已经吃过一些东西了。”
Some of you here have already met Imran. 你们这里有些人已经见过伊姆兰了。
Have some of this champagne - it's very good. 来一点儿这种香槟酒吧——很棒的。
some people
Some have compared his work to Picasso's. 一些人把他的作品和毕加索的相提并论。
  • We've got a lot of apples if you'd like some.
  • There's a cake here - would you like some?
  • I had some of Jean's bread and it was good.
  • There's plenty of coffee here if you'd like some.
  • Some of you will know Ron already.
adverb ukstrong /sʌm/ ukweak /səm/ usstrong /sʌm/ usweak /səm/
used before a number to mean approximately; about
Some 50 tons of rock are taken from the quarry every day. 每天大约有50吨石头从采石场运出。
The water is some 20 to 30 metres beneath the ground. 水在地下大约20米至30米深的地方。
US informal稍微,有一点儿
by a small amount or degree; a little
She says she's feeling some better. 她说她感觉好点儿了。
We could turn down the heat some if that would make you more comfortable. 如果把暖气温度调低你觉得更舒服些的话,我们就调低一点儿。




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