

词汇 service
n.1. 服务;效力
We need the services of a doctor.我们需要医生的诊治。
The railway service to these small villages is no longer economic.为这些小村庄提供铁路服务已无利可图。
2. 帮助;贡 献
His services to the State have been immense.他对政府的贡献很大。
3. 用人,仆人4. 军种5. 服役,兵役;勤务
on active service服现役
6. 政府部门7. 服务,服侍;接待
The service in this shop is always slow; the girls are very lazy.这家商店的服务总是很慢,那些女孩子都很懒。
8. 餐具9. 仪式;宗教仪式
Morning service will be at 11 o'clock.早礼拜将在11点进行。
10. 公共设施;公益事业
the telephone service电话设施
The train service to the capital is very good.去首都的火车服务设施非常好。
11. 发球,开球
a fast service快发球
at your service听您吩咐;随时供您使用
do sb. a service给某人帮忙
of service有用的;有帮助的
vt.-viced, -vicing修理,修补;维修,保养




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