

词汇 cannot
v.can 的否定式 (美作 can not, 英国一般连写)
Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner.福斯特先生不能接受你的宴请,深表歉意。
He cannot but move to another street, because his building has to be pulled down soon.他不得不搬迁到另一条街上去,因为他住的大楼很快就要被推倒。
One's true feelings cannot but come through in what one says and does.一个人的真实感情必然在他的言行中表现出来。
One cannot but be struck by the enthusiasm of the representatives present.人们不能不被到场的代表们的热情所感动。
I cannot help doing so under these circumstances.在这样的情况下我不得不这样做。
You cannot be over careful.你越仔细越好。/你无论怎样仔细,总不嫌过分的。
This point cannot be overemphasized.这一点无论怎样强调也不嫌过分。
You cannot be too careful.你越仔细越好。/你无论怎样仔细,总不嫌过分的。
I cannot recommend the book too strongly.无论我怎样竭力推荐这本书,也不嫌过分。




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