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词汇 shout
verb uk/ʃaʊt/ us/ʃaʊt/
A2 [ I ]大声说,高声说
to speak with a very loud voice, often as loud as possible, usually when you want to make yourself heard in noisy situations, or when the person you are talking to is a long way away or cannot hear very well
There's no need to shout, I can hear you. 没有必要大声喊叫,我完全听得见。
[ + speech ] "I'll see you tomorrow," shouted Eleni above the noise of the helicopter. “明天见,”埃莱尼大声喊道,声音盖过了直升机的轰鸣。
[ + that ] He shouted from the garage that he'd be finished in about half an hour. 他在车库里高声喊道,他大约半个小时之内就能完成。
A2 [ I or T ](因愤怒、恐惧或激动等而)吼叫,大声叫嚷
to express strong emotions, such as anger, fear, or excitement, or to express strong opinions, in a loud voice
Dad really shouted at me when I broke the window. 我打碎了窗户后,父亲冲我大吼大叫。
He shouted abuse at the judge after being sentenced to five years' imprisonment. 被判5年监禁之后,他大声辱骂法官。
The fans were screaming and shouting out the names of the band members. 歌迷们不住地尖叫着,大声喊着乐队成员的名字。
[ + to infinitive ] I shouted at him to put the gun down. 我大叫着要他把枪放下。
[ + speech ] "Stop this childish nonsense at once!" he shouted furiously. “马上停止这种孩子气的胡说八道!”他怒不可遏地吼道。
A2 [ I ]呼唤,呼喊(以引起注意)
to try to attract attention in a loud voice
I heard them shouting for help, but there was nothing I could do. 我听见他们呼救,但我真是爱莫能助。
figurative It's the charities that shout loudest (= attract the most public attention) that often get given the most money. 呼吁声最响的慈善团体得到的捐款往往也最多。
  • He was very cool and calm about the mishap, and didn't shout or lose his temper.
  • I had to shout to make myself heard above the din.
  • She didn't half shout at him !
  • I had this sudden impulse to shout out "Rubbish!" in the middle of her speech.
  • There's no need to shout, for goodness' sake! Just calm down.
[ T + two objects ] Australian English informal某人)买一杯饮料
to buy a drink for someone
I'll shout you a drink. 我来给你买一杯饮料。
something/nothing to shout aboutidiom informal 令人激动(或高兴)的事/不值得激动(或高兴)的事
something that makes/does not make you feel excited or pleased
At last, a 5–0 victory gives the team's fans something to shout about. 最后,5比0的胜利着实让球队的支持者欢呼雀跃。
The pay increase is nothing to shout about, but it's better than last year's. 今年的加薪并不令人满意,但比去年的要好。
within shouting distanceidiom 在附近;很近
very close
We live within shouting distance of the station. 我们就住在车站附近。
Phrasal verb
shout someone down 以叫喊声盖过(某人)的声音
to prevent someone who is speaking at a meeting from being heard, by shouting
She was shouted down when she tried to speak on the issue of abortion. 她试图谈论流产问题时,话音被叫喊声淹没了。
noun [ C ] uk/ʃaʊt/ us/ʃaʊt/
B1 喊叫;喊声
the act of saying something very loudly or making a very loud sound with your voice
Her speech was interrupted by angry shouts from the audience. 她的演讲被听众愤怒的喊叫声所打断。
UK informal请客的酒;轮到买酒请客
a set of drinks for a group of people, or a particular person's turn to buy them
Would you like another drink? It's my shout since you bought the last ones. 你还想再来一杯吗?上几杯是你请的,这次我请。
give someone a shoutidiom informal 告诉某人)一声
to tell someone something
Give me a shout when you've finished in the bathroom. 你洗完澡后告诉我一声。




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