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词汇 should
modal verb ukstrong /ʃʊd/ weak /ʃəd/ usstrong /ʃʊd/ weak /ʃəd/
A2 应当,应该
used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do
If you're annoyed with him, you should tell him. 如果你生他的气,就应该告诉他。
You should take the bus - it's the easiest way to get there. 你应该坐公共汽车,这是去那儿最容易的办法。
"Should I apologize to him?" "Yes, I think you should." “我应该向他道歉?”“是的,我想你应该道歉。”
You should be ashamed of yourselves. 你应该为自己感到羞耻。
This computer isn't working as it should. 这台电脑不能正常工作。
There should be an investigation into the cause of the disaster. 应该对这次灾难的起因进行调查。
He said that I should see a doctor. 他说我应该去找医生看看。
I should have written to her but I haven't had time. 我本应该给她写信,可是没有时间。
You shouldn't have said anything. 你本来什么都不该说。
Where should (= do you suggest that) we meet tonight? 我们今晚应该在哪里见面?
It's rather cold in here. Should I (= do you want me to) turn the heating on? 这儿比较冷,要我打开暖气吗?
  • You should always check your oil, water and tyres before taking your car on a long trip.
  • I think I should have given check at move 23 instead of trying to find a safer square for the rook.
  • Who should I make out this cheque to ?
  • Under no circumstances should you approach the man.
  • A long wool coat is a classic no wardrobe should be without.
B1 将,会,该
used to show when something is likely or expected
My dry cleaning should be ready this afternoon. 我干洗的衣服今天下午应该洗好了。
You should find this guidebook helpful. 你会发现这本指南很有用。
I wonder what's happened to Annie. She should be (= it was expected that she would be) here by now. 不知道安妮出什么事了。她本该现在就到这儿的。
UK "Could you have the report ready by Friday?" "Yes, I should think so (= it is likely that it will be ready)." “你能在本周五之前把报告准备好吗?”“我想可以。”
This should be good (= this is likely to be interesting or amusing). 这应该很好。
  • The building work should be finished by Christmas.
  • We should get around 50 people at the event.
  • I think it should stay sunny all afternoon.
  • According to his teacher, he should pass the exam.
  • The football match should be really tense.
used when referring to a possible event in the future
If anyone should ask for me, I'll be in the manager's office. 万一有人找我,我就在经理办公室。
Should you (= if you) ever need anything, please don't hesitate to contact me. 如果你需要什么,请直接同我联系吧。
mainly UK(用于 that 和表示观点或感情的形容词或名词之后)竟然
used after "that" and adjectives or nouns that show an opinion or feeling
It's odd that she should think I would want to see her again. 真是怪事,她竟然会认为我还想再见到她。
It's so unfair that she should have died so young. 她年纪轻轻就去世了,真是不公平。
mainly UK(用于 that 之后,表示某种情形可能存在或可能出现)可能会
used after "that" to suggest that a situation possibly exists or might come into existence
We agreed that we should meet the following week. 我们约定在接下来的那个星期见面。
mainly UK formal(用于 so that 和 in order that 之后,表示目的)会,就
used after "so that" and "in order that" to show purpose
He took his umbrella so that he shouldn't get wet. 他带了雨伞,这样就不会淋湿了。
mainly UK formal(用于 for fear that,in case 和 lest 之后)
used after "for fear that", "in case", and "lest"
He took his umbrella in case it should rain. 他带了雨伞,以防下雨。
  • Should you need it, there's more food in the fridge.
  • It's strange that he should have confided in her.
  • We agreed that we should meet the next week.
  • Should the money not be forthcoming, we will have to go to court.
  • I agreed that he should continue to see the children.
B2 mainly UK (also would)(给出或询问原因时用于why之后)竟会
used after "why" when giving or asking the reason for something
Why should anyone want to eat something so horrible? 怎么会有人想吃这么可怕的东西?
Why should she not buy it if she can afford it? 如果她买得起,怎么不买呢?
  • Why should I do all the tidying up?
  • Why should the boys get more to eat than the girls?
  • Why should Maurice care if the shop closes down?
  • I don't see why he should get more money than me.
  • Why should they have to travel second class?
UK formal(当主语为 I 或 we 时代替 would)
used instead of "would" when the subject is "I" or "we"
I should like a cup of tea before I go to bed. 我睡觉之前想喝杯茶。
I shouldn't expect you to pay, of course. 我当然不会指望你付钱。
  • I think I should like to go to bed now.
  • I shouldn't want to be paid for the work.
  • I should like to speak with Mr Lansley.
used to express surprise in sentences that are in the form of questions
I was just getting off the bus when who should I see but my old school friend Pat! 我刚要下车时竟然看到了我的老校友帕特!
UK (also would)(用于 I 之后,表示给出建议)
used after "I" when giving advice
I shouldn't worry about it if I were you. 如果我是你,我不会担心这件事。
I shouldn't (= I advise you not to) let it worry you. 我认为你不必担心。
how should I know?idiom 我怎么会知道?
I cannot be expected to know
"Where's Mikey?" "How should I know? He's hardly ever in the office these days." “米基在哪儿?”“我怎么会知道?他这些日子几乎都不在办公室。”
I should hope/say/think so/notidiom (用来强调你的赞同或观点)
used to emphasize your agreement or your opinion
"Will Beth be there?" "I should hope not! She was so horrible to you." “贝丝会去吗?”“我希望不会!她对你态度那么恶劣。”
"She loved the gift." "I should think she did - you paid enough for it!" “她很喜欢那件礼物。”“她应该会!你花的钱够多了。”
I should think not/so (too)!idiom UK 当然!/当然不!
said when you think what has been suggested is certainly not, or certainly is, the correct and expected thing
"I bought her some flowers to say thank you." "I should think so too." “我给她买了些花表示感谢。”“当然应该那样。”
"I don't like to drink more than one bottle of wine in an evening." "I should think not." “我不喜欢晚上喝超过一瓶葡萄酒。”“当然不能。”
I should be so lucky!idiom informal 我要是那么走运就好了!
said when what you want is extremely unlikely to happen
"You might win first prize." "I should be so lucky." “你也许会中头奖。”“我要是那么走运就好了。”
they should worry!idiom humorous 没什么好担心的,没有必要担心
said about or to someone who clearly has no need to worry
She should worry! She hasn't a problem in the world. 她担心什么!她根本就没有什么问题。
you should have seen/heard something/someoneidiom 你真该看看/听听(某事或某人)
seeing or hearing something or someone would have interested or entertained you very much
You should have seen her - she was furious! 你真该看看她那时的模样——她大发脾气!
you shouldn't haveidiom (当别人给你礼物时,用来表示你没有期待如此)
said when thanking someone who has unexpectedly done something generous, such as given you a present, to mean that they did not need to do it for you
Flowers! You shouldn't have! “给我的鲜花!你不必送的!”




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