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词汇 ring
noun uk/rɪŋ/ us/rɪŋ/
B2 [ C ](状物);圆形的东西;环形排列
a circle of any material, or any group of things or people in a circular shape or arrangement
The game involved throwing metal rings over a stick. 这个游戏的玩法是扔金属环套在一根棍子上。
The children sat in a ring around the teacher. 孩子们围着老师坐成一圈。
A2 [ C ]戒指;指环
a circular piece of jewellery worn especially on your finger
He bought her a diamond/emerald, etc. ring (= a ring with a jewel attached to it). 他为她买了一只钻石/祖母绿戒指。
[ C ]团伙;帮派;集团
a group of people who help each other, often secretly and in a way that is to their advantage
a drug ring 贩毒团伙
a spy ring 间谍网
See also: ringleader
[ C ] (US usually element)圆形灶盘,火圈
a circular piece of material often made of metal that can be heated in order to be used for cooking
a gas ring 煤气灶
an electric ring 电热灶火圈
[ C ](表演或比赛的)表演场,竞技场
a special area where people perform or compete
a boxing ring 拳击台
The horses trotted round the ring. 马绕着圆形表演场小跑。
See also: ringside
rings [ plural ] (体操运动中的)吊环
two round handles at the ends of two long ropes that hang from the ceiling and are used in gymnastics
Sadly, he injured his left shoulder badly while performing on the rings.
The image is of a gymnast on the rings.
He's an all-rounder, competing on the pommel horse, the bars, and the rings.
His next move on the rings was the cross.
It must take phenomenal upper-body strength to master the rings.
  • She accidentally dropped her ring down a drain in the road.
  • Muhammad Ali's showmanship in the ring shouldn't detract from his considerable skill.
  • She sat there nervously twisting the ring around on her finger.
  • The jeweller skillfully engraved the initials on the ring.
  • His arm was manacled to a ring on the wall.
A2 [ S ] mainly UK (US usually and UK also call)打电话
the act of making a phone call to someone
I'll give you a ring tomorrow. 明天我会给你打个电话。
B2 [ C ]铃声;钟声
the sound a bell makes
There was a ring at the door. 门铃响了。
He gave a ring at the door. 他按了一下门铃。
have a familiar ring (to it)idiom 耳熟
to seem or sound like something you have heard or seen before
Her name had a familiar ring to it. 她的名字听起来耳熟。
I didn't know who was speaking, but his voice had a familiar ring. 我不知道谁在说话,但是他的声音听上去耳熟。
have a/the ring of truthidiom 好像真实听起来像是真实的
to seem to be true
This story has the ring of truth. 这种说法好像是真的。
run rings round someoneidiom 遥遥领先某人);某人)出色得多
If someone runs rings round you, they are very much better, faster, or more successful at something than you are.
Our girls' hockey team have run rings round all their opponents this year. 我们的女子曲棍球队今年的表现远远超过任何对手。
verb uk/rɪŋ/ us/rɪŋ/
A2 [ I or T ] mainly UK rang | rung (US usually and UK also call)(给…)打电话
to make a phone call to someone
I ring home once a week to tell my parents I'm okay. 我每周往家打一次电话向父母报平安。
There's been an accident - can you ring for an ambulance? 出事故了——你能否打电话叫救护车?
The boss rang (in) to say he'll be back at 4.30. 老板打电话(到办公室)说他在4点30分回来。
UK I rang round the airlines (= called many of them) to find out the cheapest price. 我给多家航空公司一一打电话,想知道哪一家的机票最便宜。
Why don't you ring (up) Simon and ask him to the party? 你为什么不给西蒙打电话请他来参加聚会呢?
  • "I'm sorry I forgot to ring you." "Oh, don't worry."
  • "Margot rang to say she's too busy to come." "She would - she always has an excuse."
  • That decorator you rang about painting the house - did he ever return your call?
  • If anyone rings for me, please tell them I'll be back in the office at four o'clock.
  • I've just rung him but there was no answer.
B1 [ I or T ] rang | rung使)发出钟声;(使响起铃声
to (cause to) make the sound of a bell
The doorbell/phone rang. 门铃/电话铃响了。
Anne's alarm clock rang for half an hour before she woke. 安妮的闹钟响了半个小时她才醒。
I rang the bell but nobody came to the door. 我按响了门铃,可是没有人来开门。
My head is/My ears are still ringing (= are full of a ringing noise) from the sound of the military band. 军乐队的乐声仍然回荡在我的脑海中/耳际。
  • I was just snuggling down into my warm duvet when the phone rang.
  • I was on the toilet when the phone rang.
  • The phone rang, breaking my concentration.
  • Is that the bell ringing?
  • Ring the bell and see if he answers.
[ T ] ringed | ringed包围;环绕;围住
to surround something
Armed police ringed the hijacked plane. 武装警察包围了被劫持的飞机。
The harbour is dangerous - it's ringed by/with rocks and reefs. 这个港口很危险——周围有很多礁石和暗礁。
[ T ] UK ringed | ringed绕…画圆;在…周围画圈
to draw a circle around something
Students should ring the correct answers in pencil. 学生们应该用铅笔将正确的答案圈出。
[ T ] UK ringed | ringed (US band)(尤指在动物身上)套环,戴上环套
to put a ring on something, especially an animal
We ringed the birds (= put rings around their legs) so that we could identify them later. 我们给鸟腿上戴上环套,以便将来可以辨识出。
ring a bellidiom (also ring any bells)C2 听起来耳熟
to sound familiar
The name rang a bell but I couldn't remember where I had heard it before. 这个名字听着很熟,但是我记不起来以前在哪儿听到过。
No, I'm sorry, that description doesn't ring any bells with me. 不!很遗憾,那个说法我听起来并不耳熟。
ring the changes (on)idiom UK 变换花样;使多样化
to do something in a different way in order to make it more interesting
Ring the changes on packed lunches using different types of bread and spicy fillings. 为了使盒装午餐有更多的花样,可以用不同的面包和香料馅来变换口味。
ring true/falseidiom 听起来是真/假的;给人以真实/虚假的印象
to seem true/false
Her explanations didn't ring true. 她的解释听起来不像是实话。
Phrasal verbs
ring (someone) backB1 某人)回复电话; 给某人再打电话
to call someone who called you earlier, or to call someone for a second time
I'm a bit busy - can I ring you back in a few minutes? 我现在有些忙——我能不能晚些时候给你打回去?
"He's not here. Can I take a message?" "No, that's OK. I'll ring back later." “他不在这里。我可以带个口信吗?”“不,没事。我稍后再打电话回来。”
ring off 挂断电话
to end a phone conversation intentionally
She said "No, thank you" and rang off hurriedly. 她说了一句“不了,多谢”就匆匆挂了电话。
ring out 响亮地发出;清晰地响起
When a sound rings out, it is loud and clear.
A cry of warning rang out. 有人大叫一声警告大家小心。
A shot rang out. 突然一声清脆的枪声。
ring someone/something upB1 (给…)打电话
to make a phone call to someone
She rang me up to say she couldn't come. 她打电话给我说不能来。
He rang up the office and asked to speak to the manager. 他打办公室的电话,要求跟经理通话。
ring something up (收到的款额)输入现金出纳机
to record the money that has been paid by a customer by pressing buttons on a cash register
I'm sorry, I rang up the wrong amount. 对不起,我输错钱数了。
ring with something 回响;响彻
If a place rings with a sound, it is full of it.
The room rang with his screams. 他的尖叫声在房间里回荡。




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