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词汇 read
verb uk/riːd/ us/riːd/ read uk/red/ us/red/
A1 [ I or T ]阅读;看懂;读到
to look at words or symbols and understand what they mean
He spent a pleasant afternoon reading (the newspaper/a book). 他一下午都在阅读(报纸/书),过得很开心。
I read about the family's success in the local paper. 我在当地报纸上读到了这个家庭的成功经历。
It was too dark to read our map and we took a wrong turning. 天太黑看不清地图,所以我们拐错了弯。
Can you read music? 你识乐谱吗?
Your handwriting is so untidy I can't read it. 你笔迹太潦草,我看不懂。
[ + (that) ] I've read in the newspapers (that) there is a threat of war. 我从报纸上获悉战争可能会爆发。
Put your plastic card in the slot, and the machine will read it and identify who you are. 把你的信用卡插入槽内,机器就会读卡并辨认你的身份。
Some children can read (= have learned the skill of reading) by the age of four. 一些孩子在4岁时就会识字了。
A2 [ I or T ]朗读;读出
to say the words that are printed or written
She read (the poem) slowly and quietly. 她小声地慢慢读(这首诗)。
[ + two objects ] Their teacher always reads them a story at the end of the day. 他们老师在一天课程结束时总是给他们读个故事。
Children love to have stories read (aloud/out) to them. 孩子们喜欢听人给他们(大声/朗)读故事。
C2 [ T ]理解;读作;(用于订正讹误)改作,换用
to understand and give a particular meaning to written information, a statement, a situation, etc.
She missed the train because she read 18.30 p.m. as 8.30 p.m. instead of 6.30 p.m. 她误了火车,因为她把时间18:30理解成了晚上8点半,而不是傍晚6点半。
On page 19, for "Blitish", please read "British". 第19页上的 Blitish 应作 British。
If I've read the situation correctly, we should have some agreement on the contract by the end of the week. 如果我对形势的看法正确的话,周末前我们应该可以就合同达成某种一致。
[ I or T ]读起来(给人某种印象);看着好像是…
How you read a piece of writing, or how it reads, is how it seems when you read it
The letter reads as if it was written in a hurry. 这封信读起来好像是匆匆写就的。
Her latest novel reads well (= is written in an attractive way). 她最新出版的一部小说读起来很是引人入胜。
[ T ](尤指用无线电联络时)听到,收听到
(especially when communicating by radio), to hear and understand someone
Do you read me? 你能听到我说话吗?
I read you loud and clear. 我可以清楚地听到你说话。
read someone to sleep 某人读书(或故事)使其入睡
to read aloud to someone until they go to sleep
Every night when I was a child my father used to read me to sleep. 童年时,每天晚上父亲都给我读故事哄我入睡。
Eva doesn't like it when I leave the room so I usually end up reading her to sleep.
He likes me to read him to sleep.
The study suggested that reading your children to sleep every night may help increase their passive language skills.
I'm trying not to read her to sleep because I want her to be able to get herself to sleep.
  • I didn't read the contract fully before I signed it but I'm counting the cost now.
  • He learned to read at the early age of three.
  • The driver was peering into the distance trying to read the road sign.
  • None of the committee's proposals will matter a jot if no-one reads their report.
  • I've been put off reading the book by all the hype.
[ L ]写着,写的是;显示
(of something written or printed) to have or give the stated information or meaning
[ + speech ] The start of the US Constitution reads "We, the people of the United States..." 美国宪法的开头是这样写的:“我们,合众国的人民…”。
The thermometer is reading 40°C in the shade. 在背阴处温度计显示为40℃。
[ I or T ] law UK formal or specialized攻读,主修,念(某一课程)
to study at university or to study for a specialized qualification
They're both reading history at Cambridge. 他们两个都在剑桥大学攻读历史。
She's reading for the Bar (= studying to become a type of lawyer called a barrister). 她正在攻读法律,以后想成为大律师。
read someone's lipsidiom (尤指在无法听见别人说话时)从口型判断某人说的话,唇读,观唇辨意
to follow the movements of someone's lips in order to understand what is being said, especially if you are unable to hear them speak
She read his lips across the busy conference hall - "Time to go." 她在热闹的会议厅的另一端从他说话的口型判断他在说“该走了”。
See also: lip-read
read someone's mindidiom (also read someone's thoughts) 看出某人的)心思;猜出(某人)想什么
to know what someone is thinking without them telling you
humorous "How about a drink, then?" "Ah, you read my mind!" 那么,喝一杯怎么样? "哟,你想到我心里去了!"
read someone's palmidiom 某人)看手相
to look at the lines on a person's hand as a way of trying to find out what will happen to that person in the future
In a tent an old gypsy woman was reading palms. 帐篷里,一个吉普赛老妇人正在给人看手相。
read (someone) the riot actidiom 严厉警告(某人)不得再犯
to speak angrily to someone about something they have done and warn that person that they will be punished if it happens again
He'd put up with a lot of bad behaviour from his son and thought it was time to read him the riot act. 对于儿子的很多不良行为他一直持容忍态度,但他觉得是该严厉警告他收敛一些的时候了。
read between the linesidiom C2 看出字里行间的意思;听懂话外音;看出(或听出)真实的意思
to try to understand someone's real feelings or intentions from what they say or write
Reading between the lines, I'd say he isn't happy with the situation. 听他话里的意思,我觉得他对目前状况不太满意。
read my lipsidiom informal (表示不太礼貌地命令别人)听好了,仔细听,注意听我说
a slightly rude way of telling someone to listen carefully to what you are saying
Read my lips. No new taxes. 注意听我说,不会有新税了。
read the runesidiom UK literary 看清未来的趋势;掌握未来的态势
to understand what will happen in the future, by looking at what is happening now
He was the first of the Eastern leaders to read the runes and make political changes to stay in power. 他是第一个看清了未来发展趋势并为继续掌权进行政治改革的东欧国家领导人。
take something as readidiom UK 未经证实就视…为正确;想当然认为…不会有错
to accept that something is true without making sure that it is
I just took it as read that anyone who applied for the course would have the necessary qualifications. 我就想当然地认为,必须得有资格证书的人才能申请学这门课程。
Phrasal verbs
read something into something 对…想得太多;错误地认为…含有某种意思
to believe that an action, remark, or situation has a particular importance or meaning, often when this is not true
Don't read too much into her leaving so suddenly - she probably just had a train to catch. 她离开得很突然,但不必想太多——或许她只是急着去赶火车。
read something outB2 宣读;朗读;大声读出
to read something and say the words aloud so that other people can hear
He read out the names of all the winners. 他大声宣读所有获胜者的名字。
read something over/throughB2 (尤指为了发现错误)快速通读,从头到尾浏览
to read something quickly from the beginning to the end, especially to find mistakes
I read your proposal through last night and I think we'll agree to it. 昨晚我把你的建议从头到尾读了一遍,我认为我们会采纳的。
Always read over your work when you've finished. 每次完成作业后,一定要通读检查一下。
read up (on/about) somethingC1 (为了得到有关信息)广泛阅读,攻读,研究
to spend time reading in order to find out information about something
It's a good idea to read up on a company before going for an interview. 在去参加面试前,最好仔细了解一下该公司的情况。
noun [ S ] uk/riːd/ us/riːd/
C2 读,阅读
the act of reading something
It's not brilliant but it's worth a read. 虽说不是特别出色,但它还是值得一读。
The book is a good/easy, etc. read. 这本书读起来很有意思/不难。
UK informal Could I have a read of (= can I read) your newspaper? 你的报纸能不能让我看一下?




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