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词汇 push
verb uk/pʊʃ/ us/pʊʃ/
A2 [ I or T ]推,推动
to use physical pressure or force, especially with your hands, in order to move something into a different position, usually one that is further away from you
Can you help me move this table? You push and I'll pull. 你能帮我挪一下这张桌子吗?你推我拉。
The window sticks - you have to push hard to open it. 这扇窗户卡住了,开的时候得使劲推。
He helped me push my car off the road. 他帮我把车推离了公路。
He pushed his plate away from him, refusing to eat any more. 他把盘子从面前推开,不想再吃了。
She pushed her hair out of her eyes. 她把头发从眼睛上撩开。
I tried to push the door open but it was stuck. 我想把门推开,但门卡住了。
It isn't clear whether he fell off the balcony or was pushed. 他是跌下阳台的,还是被推下去的,这一点还不清楚。
To turn the television on, you just push (= press) this button. 要打开电视机,你只要按一下这个按钮就行了。
He pushed the money into my hand (= forcefully gave me the money), saying, "Please take it." 他把钱硬塞在我手里,说道:“请收下。”
We pushed the boat off from (= moved the boat forward by using pressure against) the river bank. 我们把船撑离河岸。
  • Our car broke down and we had to push it off the road.
  • Why will supermarket trolleys never move in the direction that you push them?
  • I pushed the wheelchair up the ramp and into the supermarket.
  • The wind was pushing the boat further and further out to sea.
  • If we push the table back against the wall, we'll have more room.
B1 [ I or T, usually + adv/prep ]挤,推挤
to move forcefully, especially in order to cause someone or something that is in your way to move, so that you can go through or past them
Stop pushing - wait your turn. 别挤了,等着轮到你。
She pushed through the crowd. 她从人群中挤了过去。
I'm sorry - I didn't mean to push in front of you. 对不起,我不是有意挤在你前面。
The celebrities pushed past the waiting journalists, refusing to speak to them. 这些明星挤过等候的记者,拒绝与他们对话。
In the final lap of the race, he managed to push (= move strongly) ahead. 在赛跑的最后一圈他奋力冲到了前面。
Weeds push (= grow strongly) up through the cracks in the concrete. 野草从混凝土的裂缝中钻了出来。
They pushed (= forcefully made) their way to the front. 他们挤到了队伍的前面。
[ I usually + adv/prep ]军队行军
When an army pushes in a particular direction, it moves forward in that direction.
The invading troops have pushed further into the north of the country. 入侵军队已深入到了该国北部。
  • I tried to push past her but she barred my way.
  • In the end she used brute force to push him out.
  • The children were pushing and jostling in the line.
  • As he went by, he deliberately pushed me.
  • We managed to push our way through the crowd.
B2 [ T ]逼迫;催逼;促使
to forcefully persuade or direct someone to do or achieve something
Her parents pushed her into marrying him. 她父母硬逼她嫁给他。
The school manages to push most of its students through their exams. 该校设法使大多数学生通过考试。
If we want an answer from them by Friday, I think we're going to have to push them for it. 如果我们想在周五之前得到他们的答复,就得催催他们。
[ + to infinitive ] We had to push them to accept our terms, but they finally agreed to the deal. 我们不得不逼迫他们接受我们的条件,不过他们最终还是接受了这项协议。
You'll never be successful if you don't push yourself (= work) harder. 如果不再努力一些,你就永远不会成功。
  • I don't think he really wants to go, he's been pushed into it.
  • The police have finally pushed her into testifying against him.
  • She'll have to push herself if she wants to pass the exam.
  • I try not to push my kids too hard, it only puts them off.
  • She's pushed her body to the absolute limit and now she's exhausted.
[ T ] informal推销商品
to advertise something repeatedly in order to increase its sales
They're really pushing their new car. 他们正全力推介他们的新车。
  • They're really pushing that new toothpaste.
  • During the interview she used every opportunity to push her latest novel.
[ T ] informal贩毒
to sell illegal drugs
He was arrested for pushing drugs to schoolchildren. 他因向中小学生贩毒而被捕。
[ T ] internet & telecoms specialized(互联网上)发送信息
to send information over the internet without receiving a request for it first
Compare: pull verb (INTERNET)
be pushing up (the) daisiesidiom humorous 死,入土,一命呜呼
to be dead
I'll be pushing up the daisies long before it happens. 没等这件事发生我早就一命呜呼了。
push your luckidiom (also push it) 愚蠢冒险得寸进尺
to try too hard to get a particular result and risk losing what you have achieved
She's agreed to help on Saturday, but I think I'd be pushing my luck if I asked her to be here the whole weekend. 她同意周六来帮忙,不过我想我要是让她整个周末都来的话就是得寸进尺了。
push the boat outidiom UK informal (为庆祝某事而)花费一大笔钱
to spend a lot of money on celebrating something
They really pushed the boat out for Annie's wedding. 他们为了安妮的婚礼确实花了一大笔钱。
Phrasal verbs
push someone around 某人)粗暴地发号施令,摆布(某人
to tell someone what to do in a rude or threatening way
If you think you can push me around like that, you're mistaken. 如果你认为你能那样对我发号施令,那么你错了。
push ahead 坚定地)继续进行,大力推进
to continue with an activity in a determined or enthusiastic way, especially when it is difficult or makes you feel tired
They have decided to push ahead with the legal action. 他们决定继续采取法律行动。
push along 离开
to leave
Anyway, I'd better be pushing along now. 无论如何,我现在最好走人。
push someone/something aside 忘记;把…搁置一边,不理会
to decide to forget about or ignore someone or something
He claimed that he had been pushed aside (= not given a job) in favour of a younger person. 他说他被挤掉了,他们把工作给了一个更年轻的人。
push something back 拖延,推迟
to delay something so that it happens later than planned
The target date for construction has been pushed back. 目标中的修建日期被推迟了。
push for something 反复呼吁;努力争取
to demand something repeatedly, or to take strong action to try to make it happen
Local residents are pushing for the road to be made safer. 当地居民反复要求把那条路修得安全些。
push (something) forward 推进,推行
to continue doing something or making progress in something, with effort or enthusiasm
Their research has pushed forward the frontiers of knowledge. 他们的研究推进了知识新领域的发展。
An additional grant has enabled the team to push forward with research plans. 额外的经费使该小组得以继续进行其研究计划。
push yourself forward 突出自己,出风头
to try to make other people notice and pay attention to you
She always seemed to be pushing herself forward and not giving anyone else a chance. 她似乎总是突出自己,不让别人有机会。
push in mainly UK插队,挤到等候的队伍前面
to rudely join a line of people who are waiting for something, by moving in front of some of the people who are already there
I was about to get on the bus when two men pushed in in front of me. 我正排队等公共汽车,这时有两个男子插队到了我前面。
push off mainly UK slang滚开,走开
used to rudely tell someone to go away
He told me to push off. 他让我滚开。
to push against the side of a pool, lake, or river in order to move your body or a boat away from the side
He pushed off from the side of the pool and swam slowly to the other side. 他从游泳池的一边出发,慢慢游到了对面。
More phrasal verbs
push on (尤指在很困难的情况下)坚持做,将…进行下去
to continue doing something, especially when this is difficult
They are pushing on with their campaign for improved childcare facilities. 他们仍在努力争取改善育儿设施。
to continue travelling somewhere
"You've been driving for a long time - do you want to stop for a rest?" "No, we're nearly there - let's push on." “你开了很长时间车了——要停下来休息一下吗?”“不用,我们快到了——继续前进吧。”
push someone out 某人)排挤走
to make someone leave a job or stop being involved in an activity by being unpleasant or unfair to them
I felt I was being pushed out of the job. 我觉得我在被排挤出这个工作岗位。
push someone/something over 将…推倒
to push someone or something so that they fall to the ground
Daddy, Matthew pushed me over. 爸爸,马修把我推到了。
push something through 使(计划或建议)获得通过
to cause a plan or suggestion to be officially accepted or put into use
We are trying to push this deal through as quickly as possible. 我们想尽快促成这笔交易。
The president is trying to push through various tax reforms. 总统正努力推行各种税务改革。
push (someone) toward(s) something 使实现(或获得)
to try to do or achieve something, or to make someone more likely to do or achieve something
It is hoped that these measures will push the nation towards recovery. 人们希望这些措施能使国家经济得到复苏。
[ + -ing verb ] New employment laws are expected to push more women towards working full-time. 新的就业法预计将使更多的女性全职工作。
push something up/down 使增加/减少
to cause the amount, number, or value of something to increase or be reduced
Rising demand tends to push prices up, and falling demand pushes them down. 需求增加往往促使价格上涨,而需求减少促使价格下跌。
The rise in interest rates has pushed up the value of my investments. 利率上涨使我的投资升值。
noun uk/pʊʃ/ us/pʊʃ/
B1 [ C ]推,推动
the act of moving someone or something by pressing them with your hands or body
Get on the swing and I'll give you a push. 坐到秋千上去,我推你一把。
I gave the door a hard push, but it still wouldn't open. 我使劲推了一下门,但还是打不开。
I can order all these goods at the push of a button (= by pushing a button). 我按一下钮就能订购所有这些货物。
  • They had to give the car a push to start it.
  • Go on - give it a good hard push!
  • You can't expect to get everything you need at the push of a button.
[ C ]猛推
a strong movement towards a place
The army is continuing its push (= advance) towards the capital. 军队正继续朝首都挺进。
[ C ](生意上为赢得优势而进行的)努力,攻势
a determined attempt to get an advantage over other companies in business
The company plans to make a big push into the European market next spring. 该公司打算明年春天向欧洲市场大举推进。
[ + to infinitive ] The hotel is making a major push to attract customers. 这家旅馆正在大搞活动以吸引顾客。
C1 [ S ]鼓励某人某事
encouragement to make someone do something
My mother had always wanted to learn how to paint - she just needed a gentle push. 我母亲一直想学绘画,她只是需要有人含蓄地鼓励她一下。
[ S ]宣传;推销
a lot of advertising
This film is unlikely to attract large audiences unless it gets/it is given a big push in the media. 除非在媒体中大作宣传,否则这部电影不大可能吸引大批观众。
at a pushidiom UK 困难地
If you can do something at a push, you can do it but it will be difficult.
At a push I could be there by eight o'clock. 我勉强能在8点之前赶到。
get the pushidiom UK informal 被解雇,被开除
to be told to leave your job
Rick got the push a few weeks ago. 几周前里克被开除了。
to be told by someone that your relationship with them has ended
She got the push from Martin last night. 昨晚她被马丁甩了。
give someone the pushidiom UK informal 解雇某人
to tell someone to leave their job
I heard he'd been given the push. 我听说他被解雇了。
to end a relationship with someone
Oh, give him the push - he's a loser. 唉,把他甩了吧,他就是个衰鬼。
if/when push comes to shoveidiom C2 一旦情况紧急,不得已时
If something can be done if push comes to shove, it can be done if the situation becomes so bad that you have to do it.
If push comes to shove, we can always sell the car. 实在不行我们还可以把车卖了。




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