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词汇 please
exclamation uk/pliːz/ us/pliːz/
A1 好吗,请(用于客气地请求)
used to make a request more polite
Could I have two coffees and a tea, please? 给我来两杯咖啡、一杯茶好吗?
Please remember to close the windows before you leave. 您离开前请记住关上窗户。
used to add force to a request or demand
Please, David, put the knife down. 求求你,戴维,把刀放下。
Oh, please. Do shut up! 好了,别说了!
used especially by children to a teacher or other adult in order to get their attention
Please, Miss, I know the answer! 我来说,老师,我知道答案!
A1 好,谢谢(用于礼貌或热情地接受某物时)
used when accepting something politely or enthusiastically
"More potatoes?" "Please." “再来点儿土豆?”“好的。”
"May I bring my husband?" "Please do." “我可以带我丈夫来吗?”“当然可以。”
"Would you like dessert?" "Oh, yes please." “你要甜点吗?”“啊,太好了。”
  • For further information, please contact your local library.
  • Can you pass the salt please?
  • Come on children, stop chatting and settle down please!
  • "Would you like a glass of wine?" "Yes please."
  • Someone's at the door - would you answer it please?
verb uk/pliːz/ us/pliːz/
B1 [ I or T ]使)开心;(使)满意;取悦
to make someone feel happy or satisfied, or to give someone pleasure
I only got married to please my parents. 我结婚只是为了让我父母高兴。
He was always a good boy, very friendly and eager to please. 他一直是个好孩子,对人非常友好,容易相处。
[ + obj + to infinitive ] It always pleases me to see a well-designed book! 看到一本设计精美的书,我总是很开心。
C2 [ I ]愿意,乐意(与 whatever, whoever 和 anywhere 等词连用)
to want, like, or choose, when used with words such as "whatever", "whoever", and "anywhere"
She thinks she can just do whatever/as she pleases. 她觉得自己可以为所欲为。
I shall go out with whoever I please. 我想和谁出去就和谁出去。
if you please mainly UK formal(表示惊奇和愤怒)真怪,竟然
used to express surprise and anger
They want £200, if you please, just to replace a couple of broken windows! 光换几扇打破的窗户他们竟然要200英镑!
She expects me to make her bed for her, if you please!
We were told there were no seats and we would have to stand through the whole performance, if you please.
The tickets are over£300, if you please!
They were more than an hour late, if you please.
old-fashioned or formal(用于客气地请求)
used to make a request more polite
Take your seats, ladies and gentlemen, if you please. 女士们先生们,请坐。
Turn your attention now to exhibit A, if you please.
Let's keep this meeting short, if you please.
Imagine, if you please, a land where everyone has plenty to eat.
I'd like another drink, if you please.
  • It would please Granny no end if you wrote to her occasionally.
  • I'll give you a key then you're free to come and go as you please.
  • He's a hard man to please.
  • I don't care about fashion - I dress how I please.
  • My niece is impossible when she's tired - you can't do anything to please her.
please Godidiom 但愿老天帮忙,上帝保佑
used to express a strong hope
It'll be finished by Christmas, please God. 上帝保佑,这会在圣诞节前完成。
please yourselfidiom informal (语气常有些粗鲁)愿意怎样就怎样,随你的便
to do whatever you choose to do, often used in a slightly rude way by someone who does not agree with or care about what you do
"I can't stand this place - I'm going home." "Please yourself." “我没法在这个地方呆下去了——我要回家。”“随你的便。”




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