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词汇 close
close 1
adj.1. (常与to连用)靠近的;近的;接近的
I live close to the shops.我住得离商店很近。
2. 近亲的;亲近的;亲密的;(关系)密切的
a close friend一位亲密的朋友
English has a close affinity to French.英语同法语很相近。
3. 紧密的;密集的;狭窄的;有限的4. 谨慎的;彻底的;严格的
We keep a close watch on the prisoners.我们严密看守囚犯。
5. 不通风的;闷热的
close weather闷热的天气
It's very close in here. Would you mind opening the window?这里面太闷了,把窗子打开好吗?
6. 势均力敌的(比赛);不分胜负的7. 秘而不宣的8. 吝啬的;小气的
She came close to him.她走近他。
close to home接近事实
What she said was very close to home.她说的情况非常接近事实。
n.1. 死胡同2. 教堂周围的建筑
close 2
vt., vi.closed, closing1. 关;闭;封闭2. 停工;打烊;关门
When does the shop close?店铺几点关门?
3. 停业
The firm has decided to close its London branch.公司已决定伦敦分店停业。
4. 结束;完成
The speech abruptly closed.演讲突然结束。
5. 合拢;靠拢
They closed on the heels of the runner.他们紧跟在跑者之后。
Left close!向左靠拢!
to come to a close结束;终止
close down1. (广播电台、电视台)停止播音,停播2. (工厂等的)关闭,歇业
close in
The firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch.公司已决定关闭芝加哥的分公司。
1. 白昼渐短
The days close in as autumn becomes deeper.随着深秋的到来,白昼渐渐短了。
2. 包围;封闭;逼近
The enemy began to close in.敌军开始逼近。
close up1. 关闭;停歇
The old road has now been closed up since the highway was open to public use.自从高速公路通车以来,那条旧公路已经封闭了。
2. 靠拢;靠近;靠紧
Close up the ranks!靠拢!
The teacher told the children to close up to each other near the camp fire and then began his story.老师叫孩子们在营火旁互相靠拢些,接着就开始讲起故事来。
close with1. 同意;和解;接受2. 格斗;搏斗
The two armies closed with each other.两军短兵相接。




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