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词汇 plant
noun uk/plɑːnt/ us/plænt/
A1 [ C ]植物
a living thing that grows in earth, in water, or on other plants, usually has a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and produces seeds
native plants and animals 原产于当地的动植物
garden/greenhouse/indoor plants 花园/温室/室内植物
a tomato plant 一株西红柿
See also: houseplant
  • This plant grows quickly and provides excellent ground cover.
  • Emily scraped away the dead leaves to reveal the tiny shoot of a new plant.
  • Bees pollinate the plants by carrying the pollen from one flower to another.
  • Water the plants twice a week, preferably in the morning.
  • The courtyard was full of exotic plants in terracotta pots.
[ U ]机器,设备
machines used in industry
The industry was accused of having invested little in workers, plant, or infrastructure. 工业界被指责在工人、工厂和基础设施方面投入太少。
[ C ]工厂
a factory in which a particular product is made or power is produced
Two more car-assembly plants were closed by the strike. 另有两家汽车装配厂因罢工而关闭。
[ U ] UK(用于修路等的重型)设备,装置,机械
a large, heavy machine or vehicle used in industry, for building roads, etc.
The sign by the roadworks said "Slow - heavy plant crossing". 道路工程旁边的告示牌上写着“减速——前方有重型施工机械”。
The firm's main business was plant hire. 这家公司的主要业务是设备租赁。
[ C usually singular ]栽赃物品
something illegal or stolen that has been put secretly in a person's clothing or among the things that belong to them to make them seem guilty of a crime
He insisted the money was a plant. 他坚持说钱是被人栽赃嫁祸。
verb uk/plɑːnt/ us/plænt/
B1 [ T ]种植,栽种
to put a plant into the ground or into a container of soil so that it will grow
We planted trees and bushes in our new garden. 我们在新花园里种了树和灌木。
Hyacinth bulbs planted in pots now will flower early in the spring. 如果现在种在花盆里,风信子的球茎会在早春开花。
[ T ]在…处种上植物
If you plant a particular area, you put plants into the ground there.
The plot was surrounded by a stone wall and planted with flowering trees. 那个地方围着石墙,种着繁花盛开的树。
a densely planted garden (= one in which the plants are close together) 花木茂密的花园
  • She planted some roses and other flowering shrubs.
  • Some fields are planted with crops for several years, and then returned to pasture for the cattle.
  • Rake over the soil before planting the seeds.
  • Before deciding what to plant, think about how much sun comes into that area of the garden.
  • I think I'll try planting some vegetables this year.
[ T + adv/prep ]放置,安放
to put something firmly and strongly in a particular place
My brother planted himself on the sofa in front of the television. 我哥哥坐在电视机前的沙发上。
He planted a kiss on her forehead/a blow on his opponent's jaw. 他在她的额头上吻了一下/一拳打在对手的下巴上。
C2 [ T usually + adv/prep ]注入,灌输
to cause an idea or story to exist
That incident planted doubts about him in my mind. 这件事让我对他产生了怀疑。
Who planted these rumours? 谁制造了这些谣言?
[ T usually + adv/prep ] informal藏匿;栽赃
to put something or someone in a position secretly, especially in order to deceive someone
She insisted that the drugs had been planted on her without her knowledge. 她坚持说毒品是在她毫不知晓的情况下有人栽赃给她的。
B2 [ T usually + adv/prep ] informal藏匿;栽赃
to put a bomb somewhere so that it will explode there
The bomb was planted in the station waiting room. 炸弹被放置在车站的候车室内。
Related word: planting
Phrasal verb
plant something out 把…移植到室外
to put a plant into the ground outside to continue growing
Plant out the geraniums in early June. 在6月初把天竺葵移植到室外。




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