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词汇 piss
noun [ S or U ] offensive uk/pɪs/ us/pɪs/
There was piss all over the floor. 地板上到处是尿。
I need a piss. 我得去小便。
He's having a piss. 他正在小便。
take the piss (out of someone or something)idiom UK offensive 取笑
to make a joke about someone or make someone look silly
They're always taking the piss out of him because he's a Barry Manilow fan. 他们总是取笑他,因为他是巴里‧马尼洛的狂热崇拜者。
verb [ I ] offensive uk/pɪs/ us/pɪs/
to pass urine
That dog keeps pissing on our fence. 那只狗一直在我们的栅栏上撒尿。
piss yourself 尿裤子
to urinate over yourself and the clothes you are wearing
If we don't find a toilet soon, I'm going to piss myself.
He was so scared, he almost pissed himself.
We found her lying on the floor having pissed herself.
They threw water at the boy and told everyone he had pissed himself.
They were pissing themselves in terror.
be pissing in the windidiom 浪费时间做不可能成功的事,白费心思
to be trying to do something when there is no hope of succeeding
You can try to change her mind if you like, but you'll be pissing in the wind. 你愿意的话可以试着让她改变主意,但你只会是浪费时间。
piss yourself (laughing)idiom 大笑不止;笑破肚皮
to laugh very much
There I was writhing in agony on the floor and you were all pissing yourselves laughing! 当时我痛苦得在地板上打滚,而你们这群人却笑得前仰后合!
Phrasal verbs
piss (someone) about/around 无所事事;游手好闲;粗暴地对待(某人
to behave in a stupid way or to treat someone badly
Look, we don't have much time, so stop pissing about. 瞧,我们时间不多了,别再无所事事地浪费时间了。
Stop pissing me about and just tell me where they are. 别再浪费我的时间了,就告诉我他们在哪儿。
piss something away 浪费机会
to waste an opportunity
This is your last chance to win the league so don't piss it away. 这是你们赢得联赛的最后一次机会,别浪费了。
piss down 下大雨
to rain heavily
It's really pissing (it) down here at the moment. 此时这里正下着瓢泼大雨。
piss off 溜走;滚开
to leave or go away; used especially as a rude way of telling someone to go away
Everyone just pissed off and left me to clean up. 大家都溜走了,留下我一个人来打扫。
Why don't you just piss off - you've caused enough problems already! 你为什么不滚开呢——你惹的麻烦已经够多了!
piss someone off 某人恼火
to annoy someone
He never helps with the housework and it's starting to piss me off. 他从不帮着做家务,这开始让我恼火了。




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