

词汇 front
n.1. 前面,前部
The teacher called the boy to the front.老师把男孩叫到前面。
I went out by the front door.我从前门出来。
I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.我坐在公共汽车的前部,以便饱览农村风光。
2. 正面3. 前座;重要地位
the front of the train火车的前座
4. 正门;正面
The front of the main school building faces south.学校主楼的正面朝南。
5. 侧面
The west front of the church contains some fine old windows.教堂西侧面有一些精致的老式窗户。
6. 海滨人行道7. 态度;模样
He always presents a smiling front to the world.他对人总是面带笑容。
8. 前线;前方9. 阵线
to form a united front组成联合阵线
10. 团体
She worked on the home front helping to produce weapons for the army.她在祖国帮助生产军队用的武器。
11. 〈气〉锋
a cold front冷锋
12. 幌子
That store was a front for foreign agent.那家商店是为外国间谍打掩护的。
in front在前面;当面
in front of在…前面;当…面
adj.1. 前面的2. 在前面的3. 正面的;正门的;前门的
the front garden屋前花园
4. 掩护的
They used a front organization to hide their trade in forbidden goods.他们利用掩护组织买卖非法货物。
vt.1. (常与on, to, towards, upon连用)面对;朝向
The head post office fronts the railway station.邮政总局面朝火车站。
2. (与for连用)作为(坏事)的掩护




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