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词汇 past
preposition, adverb uk/pɑːst/ us/pæst/
A2 经过
in or to a position that is further than a particular point
I live on Station Road, just past the post office. 我住在车站路,就在邮局过去一点。
Three boys went past us on mountain bikes. 3个男孩骑着山地车从我们身边经过。
Was that Peter who just jogged past in those bright pink shorts? 刚从我们身边慢跑过去、穿亮粉色短裤的人是彼得吗?
  • She walked right past me without noticing me.
  • As the battleship sailed past, everyone on deck waved.
  • Back in the 1960s he had hair down past his shoulders.
  • The police car drove past at a terrific speed.
  • The demonstrators formed a solid wall to stop the police from getting past them.
A1 时间)晚于,过
used to say what the time is when it is a particular number of minutes after an hour
It's five/ten/a quarter/twenty/twenty-five/half past three. 现在是3点5分/10分/一刻/20分/25分/半。
I need to leave at twenty past or I'll miss that train. 在过20的时候我就得走,不然就赶不上火车了。
B2 (年龄或程度)超过,超出
above a particular age or further than a particular point
She's past the age where she needs a babysitter. 她已经过了需要找人照看的年龄。
Do what you want, I'm past caring (= I don't care any longer). 你想干什么就干什么吧,我已经不在乎了。
be past itidiom informal or humorous 年纪太大了,(因年老而)精力不济
to be too old to do something
Don't ask Andy to enter the race - he's past it! 别让安迪参加赛跑了——他年纪太大!
be past your sell-by dateidiom UK年龄太老(sell-by date 本意是“最迟销售期限”。如果说某人过了这个期限,则表示某人太老,不再有用,也不再为人所用)
If someone is past their sell-by date, that person is not wanted or considered useful any more because they are too old.
There's plenty of time to have a baby. I'm not past my sell-by date yet. 还有足够的时间生孩子。我还没有过“保质期”。
not put it past someone (to do something)idiom informal 不奇怪(某人做坏事
to not be surprised if someone does something bad, because it is a typical thing for that person to do
Perhaps Helena told him - I wouldn't put it past her. 可能是海伦娜告诉他的——我相信她做得出来。
adjective uk/pɑːst/ us/pæst/
B1 过去的
used to refer to a period of time before and until the present
The average temperature worldwide has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit in the past 100 years. 在过去的100年内,全世界的平均气温已上升了大约1华氏度。
I've been walking three miles a day for the past 30 years. 在过去的30年里我每天都步行3英里。
He was the fifth climber to die on these mountains over the past two days. 他是过去两天内第五个死在这些山上的登山者。
In centuries/years past (= many centuries/years ago) even visiting the next village was considered a long journey. 数个世纪/数年前,连到邻村去都被视为一次长途跋涉。
B1 [ before noun ]刚过去的,以前的
having happened or existed before now
I know from past experience that you can't judge by appearances. 我凭以往的经验知道不能以貌取人。
The prime minister's family have been instructed not to discuss his past life with the press. 首相的家人被吩咐不要和媒体谈及他过去的生活。
[ after verb ]结束了的
I'm feeling much better now that the cold weather is past. 冷天过去了,我现在感觉好受多了。
  • The dog has been her constant companion these past ten years.
  • I'm sorry I didn't phone you, but I've been very busy over the past couple of weeks.
  • Martin broke his leg playing football and has been on crutches for the past six weeks.
  • Economically the country has been improving steadily these past ten years.
  • The number of employees in the company has trebled over the past decade.
[ before noun ] language 过去式的
of the past tense
"Must" does not have a past form. must 没有过去式。
  • Add -ed to all these verbs to put them in the past tense.
  • I think her husband must be dead - she always talks about him in the past tense.
  • How do you say that in the past tense?
  • "Was doing" is the past continuous form of the verb.
  • The past perfect is illustrated by 'had done'.
noun [ S ] uk/pɑːst/ us/pæst/
B1 过去
the period before and until, but not including, the present time
Evolution can explain the past, but it can never predict the future. 进化能解释过去,但永远无法预知未来。
In the past, this sort of work was all done by hand. 在过去,这种活儿完全是手工完成的。
By winning the 1500 metres, he joins some of the great names of the past. 赢得1500米比赛的冠军后,他已经能够与昔日的一些伟大运动员比肩。
a past 不光彩的过去
a part of someone's life in which they did unacceptable or dishonest things
with a past He's a man with a past. 他有一段不光彩的过去。
His parents didn't want him to marry a woman with a past.
She had a past and she didn't care who knew about it.
People in the village knew he had a past and were wary of him.
Emigrating was an attractive option for someone with a past they wanted to leave behind.
  • Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.
  • In the past, knights used to wear (suits of) armour in battle.
  • Giving up your seat to an older person seems to be a thing of the past.
  • Today, people are much more concerned about their health than they were in the past.
  • He decided to put his failed marriage behind him and make a clean break with the past.
A2 language (动词的)过去式
the form of a verb used to describe actions, events, or states that happened or existed before the present time
The past of "change" is "changed". change 的过去式是 changed。




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