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词汇 pair
noun [ C ] uk/peər/ us/per/
A2 一对,一双
two things of the same appearance and size that are intended to be used together, or something that consists of two parts joined together
a pair of shoes/gloves 一双鞋/一副手套
a pair of scissors/glasses 一把剪刀/一副眼镜
I can't find a matching pair of socks. 我找不到两只成对的袜子。
He packed two pairs of trousers and four shirts. 他把两条裤子和四件衬衣放进包里。
I'd like you to do this exercise in pairs (= in groups of two). 我希望你们两人一组来做这个练习。
two people who have a romantic relationship or are doing something together
They seem a very happy pair. 他们像是很幸福的一对。
What have the pair of you been up to? 你们俩在搞什么名堂?
Synonyms: couple (TWO PEOPLE)twosome
two animals that come together to have sex and produce young
a breeding pair 进行繁殖的一对
a mated pair of swans 一对天鹅
Compare: couple noun (TWO PEOPLE)
  • Rachel bought yet another pair of shoes to add to her collection.
  • I burrowed through the clothes in the drawer looking for a clean pair of socks.
  • She was wearing an old pair of trousers with rips at the knees.
  • Shoplifters often work in pairs, with one creating a diversion to distract the shop assistants while the other steals the goods.
  • You should see her wardrobe - it's unbelievable - she's got about 50 pairs of shoes.
verb [ I,T ] uk/peər/ us/per/
to make something one of a pair, or to become one of a pair
Famous paintings have been paired with poems by Sandburg, Angelou, and others. 著名的油画作品与桑德伯格和安杰洛等人的诗配成对。
Opposite: uncouple
Phrasal verbs
pair off 结成一对情侣成双入对
to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
All my friends seem to be pairing off and getting married. 我所有的朋友好像都已成双入对,正在准备婚事。
Ravens nest very early in the spring and they pair off in the late autumn. 渡鸦早春筑巢,晚秋交配。
pair someone off 使(两人)结成一对情侣,介绍(两个人认识
to introduce two people to each other so that they will start a romantic relationship
I managed to pair my best friend Sue off with Mike. 我设法让我最好的朋友苏和麦克成了一对。
pair (someone) off 两人一组结成对一组人)分成几对
If a group of people pair off, they divide into pairs in order to do something, and if you pair them off, you divide them into pairs.
The students paired off to practise their conversational skills. 学生们两人一组进行会话技巧练习。
pair up (为做某事)结成对,成搭档
to join together temporarily with another person in order to do something
Everyone should pair up for the next dance. 跳下一支舞时大家都应该两人一对。




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