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词汇 own
determiner, pronoun uk/əʊn/ us/oʊn/
A2 自己(的),本人(的);自己人
belonging to or done by a particular person or thing
Each neighbourhood in New York has its own characteristics. 纽约的每个居民区都有自己的特点。
I'd like to have my very own apartment. 我想有自己的公寓。
He wanted an apartment of his own. 他想要一套属于自己的公寓。
She makes all her own clothes. 她的衣服全都是自己做的。
I'm going to be out tonight, so you'll have to make your own dinner (= prepare it yourself). 我今晚要出去,所以你得自己做饭了。
Was that your own idea or did someone suggest it to you? 那是你自己的主意还是有人给你出的主意?
You'll have to make up your own mind (= decide by yourself) what you want to do. 你想做什么得自己拿主意。
I'd never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes/heard it with my own ears. 要不是亲眼看到/亲耳听到此事,我怎么也不会相信。
"Is that your mum's car?" "No, it's my own (= it belongs to me)." “那是你妈妈的车吗?”“不,是我自己的。”
James Joyce wrote in a style that was all his own (= that was not like that of anyone else). 詹姆斯•乔伊斯以自己独有的风格写作。
We like to take care of our own (= take care of people who are members of our family, or who work for us). 我们关照自己人。
(all) on your ownB1 独自,一个人
I like living on my own. 我喜欢独自一个人生活。
Was he acting on his own or following orders?
He'd left on his own, without telling his parents.
This time of year, the young birds are too weak to survive on their own in the cold, and so need the presence of a parent at all times.
Thank goodness, she's now able to breathe on her own.
I worry that he won't be able to cope on his own.
We can't leave her all on her own.
B1 mainly UK独立地无援地
without any help
I did my buttons up all on my own, Dad . 爸爸,我的纽扣全是我自己扣上的。
Can you do it all on your own? I'm happy to help.
She's got a carer in to help now that she can't do much on her own.
The company couldn't produce the volume needed all on their own, and contracted work out.
in your own time mainly UK不慌不忙地
If you do something in your own time, you do it at the speed at which you want to work.
I like to do things in my own time - I don't like to be rushed.
She complains that I nag her to do things and says she'd do them in her own time if I just left her alone.
There's no urgency - you can do it in your own time.
I prefer to work in my own time, without the pressure of deadlines.
Leave me to get on with it and I'll do it in my own time, okay?
You can do that in your own time, when you've got a moment.
UK (US on your own time)业余时间,非工作时间
during the time when you are not officially working
You may only use company computers to access the Web in your own time. 你只能在业余时间使用公司的电脑上网。
If I have to make any personal calls, I do it in my own time.
He insisted that he'd written the piece in his own time, during breaks.
If she'd wanted to meet a friend, she should have done it in her own time and not when she was meant to be working.
If you want to send a personal email or make a call, you can always do it in your own time during a lunch break.
  • They have no children of their own, but they're hoping to adopt.
  • Now you can watch the latest films in the comfort of your own room.
  • She said that she didn't want a lawyer and was going to conduct her own defence.
  • Her death made him more aware of his own mortality.
  • We now have our very own post office in the village.
be your own person/woman/manidiom 独立自主;自己做主,自己拿主意
to be in control of your life and not allow other people to tell you what to do
Nobody tells me how to live my life - I'm my own man. 没人能告诉我该怎样生活——我自有主张。
come into your ownidiom (在某种情况下)所长得到充分的发挥,显出自己的本事
to be very useful or successful in a particular situation
Eileen really comes into her own in a crisis. 艾琳在危急时刻真正显示出了自己的价值。
for its own sakeidiom 因为其本身(有意思或好玩)的缘故
If you do something for its own sake, you do it because it is interesting and enjoyable, and not because you have or need to do it.
I believe in education for its own sake, not just to get a good job. 我主张学习本身的乐趣,而不仅仅是找到一份工作。
get your own back (on someone)idiom UK informalC2 报复某人),(向某人)报仇
to do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something unpleasant to you
I'll get my own back on her one day. 总有一天我会报复她的。
get your own wayidiom UK (说服别人以便)达到自己的目的,能按自己的主意行事,随心所欲
to persuade other people to allow you to do what you want
My little brother always gets his own way. 我的小弟总是能遂心如愿。
make something (all) your ownidiom (通过自己的演绎)使(乐曲等)广为人知
If you make a piece of music, etc. (all) your own, you make it famous by the way you perform it.
on your own head be itidiom (用于告诉某人)责任自负
used to tell someone that they will have to take full responsibility for what they plan to do
verb uk/əʊn/ us/oʊn/
B1 [ T not continuous ]合法拥有
to have something that legally belongs to you
We own our house. 我们拥有自己的房子。
I've never owned a suit in my life. 我这辈子从没拥有过一套西装。
  • They own 20% of the company's stock.
  • Who owns/holds the copyright on this article?
  • She owns a popular tourist restaurant on the town's waterfront.
  • The house is partly owned by her father.
  • I get a real kick out of owning my own car.
[ I ] old-fashioned承认
to admit
[ + (that) ] I own (that) I was not very happy with the group's decision. 我承认我对集体的决定不是很满意。
[ T ] mainly US informal完全击败…;比…好得多
to defeat someone completely or be much better than him or her; to perform extremely well
Last time we played them, we owned them! 上次交手时,我们彻底打败了他们!
Beyoncé owned that stage tonight! 今晚的舞台完全属于碧昂丝!
as if you owned the placeidiom UK disapproving (US like you owned the place) 神气得好像自己是主人;喧宾夺主
in a way that is too confident
He walked into the office as if he owned the place. 他走进办公室,神气得好似主人一样。
Phrasal verb
own upC2 承认,坦白(错误
to admit that you have done something wrong
No one has owned up to stealing the money. 没有人承认偷了那笔钱。
Synonyms: admit (ACCEPT)avow confess




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