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词汇 override
verb uk/ˌəʊ.vəˈraɪd/ us/ˌoʊ.vɚˈraɪd/ overrode | overridden
[ T ](拥有必要权威的人)否决,推翻,撤销,使无效
(of a person who has the necessary authority) to decide against or refuse to accept a previous decision, an order, a person, etc.
Every time I make a suggestion at work, my boss overrides me/it. 每次我对工作提出建议,我的老板都不听。
The president used his veto to override the committee's decision. 总裁利用手中的否决权推翻了委员会的决定。
[ T ](自动机器)改用手控;超驰控制,超控
to operate an automatic machine by hand
He overrode the autopilot when he realized it was malfunctioning. 他意识到自动驾驶仪出了故障,就改为手动驾驶。
[ T ](尤指为改变运作方式而)操控,制服
to take control over something, especially in order to change the way it operates
The pills are designed to override your body's own hormones. 这些药片用以调节人体自身的荷尔蒙分泌。
[ T ]比…更重要;压倒凌驾
to be more important than something
Parents' concern for their children's future often overrides all their other concerns. 父母对子女未来的考虑往往重于他们对其他任何事情的关心。
[ I ] UK(公共交通工具)超程乘车(实际距离超出车票允许的距离)
to travel on public transport further than your ticket allows you to
There is a $20 penalty for passengers who travel without a ticket or override. 无票旅行或超程旅行的乘客将受到20美元的处罚。
noun [ C ] uk/ˌəʊ.vəˈraɪd/ us/ˌoʊ.vɚˈraɪd/
a device that changes the control of a machine or system in special situations, especially from automatic to manual
The heating system has a manual override. 这套取暖系统有一个手动超控装置。
in American politics, an occasion when an elected group of people refuses to accept a decision made by an elected leader
The vote fell short of the majority needed for an override of the Governor's veto. 投票未过半数,未能推翻州长的否决。




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