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词汇 other
determiner uk/ˈʌð.ər/ us/ˈʌð.ɚ/
A1 其他的,别的,另外的
as well as the thing or person already mentioned
The product has many other time-saving features. 该产品还有许多其他的省时特性。
There is no other work available at the moment. 眼下没有其他的活儿了。
There is only one other person who could help us. 只有另外一个人可以帮助我们。
Are there any other people we should ask? 另外还有我们应该问的人吗?
I found one earring - do you know where the other one is? 我找到了一只耳环——你知道另一只在哪儿吗?
See also: another (ADDITIONAL)
A1 (用于列举之后)其他的
used at the end of a list to show that there are more things, without being exact about what they are
The plan has been opposed by schools, businesses and other local organizations. 该计划遭到了学校、企业及其他当地组织的反对。
These two books will be especially useful for editors, journalists and other professional users of the language. 这两本书将对编辑、记者及其他使用该语言的专业人士尤为有用。
  • Circulars and other junk mail go straight in the bin.
  • The site links to about 24 other sites offering clip art.
  • This drug can be safely used in combination with other medicines.
  • The country has vast oil reserves and rich deposits of other minerals.
  • Mr Savino has been charged with three murders as well as a whole slew of other crimes.
the other side/end (of something)B1 另一边;另一端
the opposite side or end of something
Put the chair at the other end of the desk. 把椅子放到桌子的另一边去。
The man was waiting on the other side of the street. 那个人在街对面等着。
B1 不同的,其他的,别的
different from the thing or person already mentioned
Idon't have any cash - is there no other way of paying? 我没有现金——没有其他支付方式吗?
He likes travelling abroad and learning about other people's customs and traditions. 他喜欢到国外去旅行,并了解其他民族的风俗习惯。
See also: another (DIFFERENT)
the other day, week, etc.B1 (指最近某个大概的时间)那天/那个星期等等
referring to a day, week, etc. in the recent past without saying exactly when it was
I saw him just the other day/night. 我那天/那天晚上刚见过他。
other thanC1 不同于除了
different from or except
Cruises other than the ones listed below are not discounted at this time. 除了下面列出的乘船游览项目以外,其他项目没有折扣。
The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself. 除了你本人,谁也不能在这张表格上签字。
in other wordsB2 换句话说,换言之
used to introduce an explanation that is simpler than the one given earlier
He was economical with the truth - in other words, he was lying. 他没讲多少实话——换言之,他在撒谎。
or otherC1 informal 某些;某个
used when you cannot or do not want to be exact about the information you are giving
The event was held in some park or other. 这个活动是在某个公园举行的。
We'll find someone or other to help us. 我们会找个人来帮我们的。
  • All her life she had a childlike trust in other people.
  • There's no harm in applying for other jobs, but if I were you, I wouldn't advertise the fact at work.
  • The professor was a real Jekyll and Hyde - sometimes kind and charming, and at other times rude and obnoxious.
  • The president urged other countries to lift the trade restrictions.
  • Children need to be taught to have respect for other people's property.
pronoun uk/ˈʌð.ər/ us/ˈʌð.ɚ/
A2 (两者中的)另一个,第二个;(一组或一套中的)另一个
the second of two things or people, or the thing or person that is left in a group or set of things
Hold the racquet in one hand and the ball in the other. 一只手握拍,另一只手持球。
Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while others prefer a meat-based diet. 有的人偏爱素食,而另一些人偏爱肉食。
She gave me one book last week and promised to bring the others on Wednesday. 上周她给了我一本书,并答应周三把其他的书带来。
others[ plural ]B2 别的,其他的
more ones
I only know about this book, but there might be others (= other books). 我只知道这本书,不过或许还有别的。
  • At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just coasted down the other side.
  • Trouble broke out in the match when one of the players called a member of the other team a cheat.
  • When you run, each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down.
  • This cable should have a plug at one end and a socket at the other.
  • Roughly half (of) the class are Spanish and the others are a mixture of nationalities.




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